19. The Start of Something New

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August 19, 2019

Piper's POV

Piper: Guys, hurry up! It's 8:30!

I heard Wyatt, Chris, and Melinda shuffle down the stairs from my spot by the front door. My kids ran up to me.

Piper: Alright, Wyatt, here are the keys. The van better be in one piece after school.

Wyatt took the keys and rolled his eyes.

Wyatt: Yes, ma'am.

He saluted me then headed out the door. I patted his back as he walked by me.

Piper: Good luck with your first day of high school.

Chris: Nothing much different. I've got it.

I nodded.

Chris: I just hope Sam will talk to me. He hasn't spoken to me for almost a week.

Melinda rolled her eyes and put a hand on her hip.

Melinda: Did you two have a relationship spat?

Chris glared at her. Melinda looked at me.

Melinda: I think they broke up.

I laughed as Chris rolled his eyes before leaving the manor.

Piper: Have a good day, Melinda.

Melinda nodded then left the manor. I closed the door behind her then headed to get my stuff for work.

Phoebe's POV

Phoebe: Lunch?

Coop: Check.

Phoebe: Lunch number two?

Coop: Check.

Phoebe: Lunch money?

Coop: Check.

Phoebe: Perfect!

He handed me the two lunch bags and a five dollar bill as I headed out of the kitchen, followed by Coop. The girls were waiting by the front door, looking out the window. Wyatt was picking them up to drive them to school.

Phoebe: Here are your lunches, and money.

I smiled as I handed Parker and Peyton their bags and Prudence her money. They all thanked me before hearing a horn honking.

Phoebe: Better get going.

They quickly ran out of the house toward the van.

Coop: At least they don't have to wake up early for the bus anymore.

Phoebe: They're growing up too fast. Prudence is in 7th grade. Where did the time go?

Coop smiled as he shrugged.

Coop: It happens, babe.

I smiled and leaned into Coop as he placed a kiss on my head.

Phoebe: Oh, remember, I have a doctor's appointment today. Paige is picking me up here soon.

I checked my watch.

Coop: Is that your hint for me to get the car into the shop?

I smiled.

Phoebe: Maybe.

Coop nodded and headed out the door.

Paige's POV

Henry: Paige! ... Paige!

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked away from my laptop to look up at my husband from my spot at the kitchen island.

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