7. A New Case

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Paige's POV

Piper called me this morning and told me she was going to play detective on some demonic case they are working on. I guess now that a I think about it, we are the police of the supernatural world. Anyway, while she does that, I'm getting my third charge. It is very exciting to be getting to meet new people and putting them on the path to greatness. This charge is in San Francisco, so not much of an orb away. She's a new witch who isn't aware of all her capabilities yet. I'm hoping to show her what her powers can do and give her the ability to fight evil on her own. I orbed to her living room in her house.

Paige: excuse me!

I don't know her name yet but I'm assuming someone told her I was coming. A slim, medium height woman with long brown hair entered the living room.

Paige: hi, I'm Paige your -

Woman: you're my whitelighter.

Paige: yes. Great, someone told you I was coming.

Woman: no one told me. You're just very loud and un-secretive. Aren't whiteighters supposed to keep their identities from their charges?

Paige: well, it depends on the charge. Sometimes yes and sometimes no. You're a witch who is fully aware of who you are, so I can tell you I'm a whitelighter. I have this charge who doesn't know she's a witch so -

Woman: yeah yeah yeah. Look, I don't need someone breathing down my neck 24/7 alright. All I need is a step in the right direction and you can be on your way.

I didn't know what to say. A whitelighter is supposed to watch their charges most of the time and help out whenever they can.

Paige: uh, I don't know if I can do that. A whitelighter is always supposed to help.

Woman: is this really going to be difficult? I don't need full guidance. I know what I'm doing.

Paige: okay, please calm down Ms. ... uh, what's your name?

Woman: call me Sparkle.

What kind of a name is that?

Paige: Sp- Sparkle?

Sparkle: yes. It's my witch name. My real name is none of your concern.

Paige: well okay then. Sparkle, please take a deep breath. You seem a little lost at the moment but I can help. I was in your shoes once and I know what it feels like to have these powers and not know how to use them.

Sparkle: I know how to use them.

Paige: what are your powers?

Sparkle held out her hands and sparkles appeared in them. She threw them at the wall and the wall caught fire.

Paige: oh my -

Sparkle: it's fine.

She snapped her fingers and the fire went out.

Paige: I understand the name now.

Sparkle: I know how to use them. What I don't know is why I have them. What am I supposed to do with them?

I smiled at her.

Paige: here, sit down.

I motioned for her to sit on the couch. She sat down and I sat next to her.

Paige: I was once in your place. These powers are something special but can be scary when you don't know what they're for. Believe me, you are meant to do good with them.

Sparkle: how do you know that? How do you know they aren't for evil?

Paige: all good witches fear their powers are for evil. They aren't because you have good inside of you. You are meant to help people and make a difference in the world.

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