38. Best Friend's Witch

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February 2, 2020

Piper's POV

Sam stared at all of us in shock. His eyes darted around to each of us before landing on Chris. He stared a him for a few seconds before quickly turning and leaving the attic.

Chris: Sam! Not another one.

He mumbled, before running out of the attic and calling out to Sam again.

Chris: Sam!

I looked at Leo who looked back at me. He was biting his lip and swaying a little. I sighed.

Piper: Why did you leave Sam downstairs by himself?

Leo: I didn't. I made him leave. Obviously his curiosity finally got the better of him. 

Leo gestured to the place Sam was just occupying by the attic door. I sighed before speaking.

Piper: Well, I guess it was bound to happen one day, and Chris has been wanting to tell him. He'd just better keep his mouth shut.

Wyatt: I'm sure he will. Sam's a good guy.

I nodded as Leo spoke up.

Leo: What'd you find out?

Phoebe: Full moon. They have to do the ritual under a full moon, and they have another window of opportunity on Saturday night.

Leo nodded.

Piper: What about the weather shift?

Leo's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.

Leo: How'd you know about that? We came up here to try and contact you but, before we could find something in the book, a portal was forming and there you were.

I raised an eyebrow.

Piper: I don't understand, Chris said that- Oh.

Leo gave me an odd look before realization hit him and his mouth opened slightly. Phoebe nodded.

Piper: Never mind.

Wyatt and Melinda looked at me curiously but let it go. John sighed.

John: Can one of the whitelighters bring me to my leader? I need to tell the other Elementals so we can prepare before Saturday.

Leo nodded before grabbing John's shoulder and orbing away.

Chris's POV

Chris: Sam! Wait!

I hopped off the final step to find Sam opening the front door.

Chris: Sam?

I ran up to Sam. He stopped opening the door and looked at the ground, sighing. I waited patiently for him to look at me. He finally took a deep breath and released it slowly as he turned to look at me.

Chris: Sam, I can explain.

Sam shook his head.

Sam: I don't want your explanation! I just want to know why you kept it from me! Whatever that was, and all of your secrets.

He waved his hand at me and I sighed.

Sam: I mean, we're best friends. We tell each other everything. Or at least, I thought we did.

He sighed.

Chris: Sam, I didn't want to keep it from you. It's just ... I had to. 

Sam shook his head.

Chris: Look, I want to explain everything, okay? But it's late and you should probably be getting home. I have to help my family anyway.

Sam sighed and nodded slowly.

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