27. Who You Gonna Call?

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October 31, 2019

Piper's POV

Piper: Melinda, please don't play with that.

I walked into the kitchen to find Melinda sitting at the island, moving her hands over the Ouija Board. She looked at me.

Piper: That's a very powerful tool, and we really don't need you accidentally summoning ghosts right now.

Melinda: But it's Halloween. I thought I'd tap into the spooky spirit, literally.

I chuckled and shook my head.

Piper: Nope. Now put that away before Jaxon and Prudence get here.

Melinda sighed before grabbing the board and leaving the room. Phoebe smiled as she passed Melinda before entering the kitchen.

Piper: Great! You're here.

Phoebe: What was so urgent that you had to call me out of work?

I stared at her.

Piper: As if you weren't taking a nap on your office couch anyway.

Phoebe smiled and shrugged.

Phoebe: It's five in the evening, of course I was napping.

I smiled and shook my head.

Piper: That doesn't matter anyway, I just wanted to ask if you'd help me out tonight?

Phoebe: With?

Piper: There's a family that reserved my entire restaurant for a dinner party tonight at 8:30, and Amelia is out sick and Nate said he's busy; doing what, I don't know. I just need someone to help waitress, so please, will you help?

Phoebe leaned to the side, resting her weight on her right foot while crossing her arms and thinking.

Phoebe: Well, I had a huge night planned. I was going to eat candy while watching a horror movie, then when Prudence got home, I'd eat more candy while taking a bubble bath.

I sighed.

Piper: Phoebe! Will you help or not?

Phoebe smiled before nodding.

Phoebe: Yes, I'll help you.

Piper: Great! Do you want to meet me there or leave with me now?

Phoebe: Let's go now. I'll have Coop pick up my car when he walks Prudence over here.

I nodded as we left through the back door.

Melinda's POV

A few hours later, I was sitting in the living room with the Ouija Board. I know Mom said put it back in the attic but I'm determined to get a message from it. I put my hands on the planchette and closed my eyes.

Melinda: My name's Melinda. Is there anyone here who would like to communicate with me?

I opened my eyes to look at the board. Nothing happened. I closed my eyes again but the doorbell rang before I could continue. I sighed as I got up to answer the door.

Jaxon: Hurry up, Melinda! Get your costume on.

Jaxon and Prudence entered the manor, each dressed in a costume and holding a candy bag. I laughed at Jaxon's Superman costume.

Jaxon: What?

Melinda: You're going as Superman?

Jaxon nodded.

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