30. The Weather Outside is Frightful

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December 13, 2019

Piper's POV

I rolled over onto my side as I slowly awoke. I looked at the clock to find that it was four in the morning. I yawned then turned my head to see Leo sleeping soundly beside me. I turned my head back to face the front before closing my eyes. I heard Leo stir beside me before clearing his throat. I heard him whisper.

Leo: You awake?

Piper: Yeah. I don't know why, but I'm awake.

Leo: I'm going to get some water from the kitchen. You want any?

I shook my head as I heard Leo get off the bed and leave the room. I settled back into bed, closing my eyes when, suddenly, the fire alarm went off. I quickly sat up and ran out into the hall, trying to throw my robe on in the process. I saw the light on downstairs. I headed toward the stairs to find Leo as I heard two doors open behind me. Wyatt, Chris, and Melinda all ran out into the hallway looking tired yet startled.

Wyatt: What's going on?

I motioned for them to follow me downstairs. Leo was floating in the kitchen, turning off the fire alarm, when we entered.

Piper: What happened?

Leo: There was a fire in the kitchen when I came in, I put it out.

I groaned.

Piper: What was on fire?

Leo: The microwave.

I looked over to see the microwave looking as if it was brand new, yet dripping with water from Leo's extinguishing attempt. I raised an eyebrow at him.

Piper: The microwave doesn't look like it was on fire.

Leo floated down after the fire alarm stopped blaring. He nodded once he landed.

Leo: I know.

I heard Wyatt groan behind me. I turned to see Chris leaning against the counter, half asleep and Melinda shake her head before leaving the room.

Wyatt: Another one of those fake fires?

I turned back to face Leo.

Leo: I guess so; although, the fire alarm got tripped somehow. I don't understand it. If the fire was fake, the alarm shouldn't have gone off, right?

Piper: Honestly, I'm not surprised by anything anymore.

Wyatt nodded before pushing Chris out of the room. Chris stumbled on his way out the door but quickly found his footing. I left the kitchen, followed by Leo. We followed our sons up the stairs.

Piper: Let's get a few more hours of sleep. We'll deal with it in the morning.

Chris's POV

I woke up to someone poking me in the face. I opened one eye to find Wyatt staring at me. I groaned before closing my eyes again.

Chris: What?

Wyatt: It's 8:45.

Chris: So?

I let it sink in for a second before opening my eyes and sitting straight up.

Chris: School!?

Wyatt nodded before I quickly got out of bed to get dressed. I grabbed my jeans off my desk chair as I tripped out of my pajama pants.

Wyatt: Mom already called Phoebe and Paige and told them to bring their kids to school. I just have to get Melinda and us to school before it starts at 9. It shouldn't be that hard. Worse case scenario, we orb.

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