2. A Day in the Life

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Piper's POV

Piper: Nate! Where is the salmon Table 3 ordered!?

Nate: it's coming Piper.

Nate is my head chef. A little slow, but he'll get there. I hope.

Nate: here it is.

Piper: great, Amelia is waiting for it.

Amelia is one of my waitresses. She's very sweet, but can be a little clingy. She's 20 years old and has a dream of opening a restaurant. She reminds me a lot of my younger self. Anyway, it seems that whenever I turn around, she's there. I took the dish from Nate.

Piper: Amel-

I turned around with the dish to see Amelia right behind me.

Amelia: yes!

I smiled.

Piper: here's the salmon for Table 3.

Amelia: thank you! I'll get it to them right away!

She saluted me and walked, or rather, skipped away.

Nate: she's a little enthusiastic, don't you think.

Piper: at least she does her job.

I mumbled that last sentence. It just slipped out.

Nate: what?

Piper: yes, she is.

Nate nodded and went back to work. Amelia ran up to me.

Amelia: Mrs. Halliwell?

Piper: Amelia, I said you can call me Piper.

Amelia: alright, Piper, I was wondering if I could ask you some questions about being a restaurant owner?

Piper: oh, yeah, of course. But after work.

Amelia: oh, yeah, totally! Thank you so much!

She hugged me.

Piper: Amelia?

Amelia: yes?

Piper: boundaries.

Amelia pulled away from me.

Amelia: I'm so sorry!

Piper: no, no. It's okay.

Amelia smiled, looking embarrassed.

Amelia: I'll go see what Table 6 needs.

She walked away. I just smiled and shook my head.

Chris's POV

Math class is very boring. I don't understand the point of it since it's the last day of school. I'm almost done with 8th grade. Thank goodness. Next year I'll be in high school, where all the cool kids are. Wyatt has told me great things about high school, and I just can't wait to start. The bell rang. I picked up my backpack and walked out of the classroom with the rest of my classmates. I get to my locker and use my telekinesis powers to unlock it without touching it. I know I'm not supposed to use magic at school, but I just can't help myself. We all do it. I started putting my notebook away when my friend, Sam, walked up to me.

Sam: hey, dude!

Chris: hey, blondie!

Sam: really?

I smiled as he grabbed my hand and slapped my back.

Chris: what's up?

Sam: well, Kiera is having a last day of school party at her house at 6 tonight, if you want to come.

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