48. A Page to the Past

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September 25, 2020

Phoebe's POV

"And wait until you see this next location! Are you ready, Julia?"

Piper: Phoebe?

I snapped my head from my laptop screen to Piper standing in the kitchen's doorway. Popcorn fell out of my mouth as I answered.

Phoebe: Yeah?

I coughed a bit before swallowing a piece of popcorn. Piper chuckled and pulled up a chair next to me at the dining room table.

Piper: Whatcha doing?

Phoebe: Oh, you know, just catching up on the latest... movie.

I started to slowly close my laptop before Piper grabbed it and threw it open.

Phoebe: No- wait-

Piper laughed as she stared at the screen before facing me.

Piper: Is this that Internet show that's beating 'The Bay Mirror' in sales?

Piper couldn't keep a straight face as I sighed.

Phoebe: Yes...

I looked at her and rolled my eyes.

Phoebe: What do you want me to say? It's addicting, okay. This episode finds Veronica and Julia on a mountain adventure.

Piper: Veronica and Julia?

I nodded.

Phoebe: Veronica Chase runs the magazine and the Internet show. She takes celebrities out on adventures and opens them up to new experiences.

Piper nodded slowly.

Piper: Ah, so Julia is...?

Pheobe: Julia Roberts.

Piper's jaw dropped slightly.

Piper: She got Julia Roberts on her show?

I nodded and smiled.

Phoebe: Yeah, it's actually quite addicting.

I turned back to my laptop.

Piper: I see that.

Piper watched me carefully for a second before speaking again.

Piper: Phoebe?

Phoebe: Hmm?

Piper: You do realize this show is your competition right?

I nodded.

Phoebe: I started watching to get a feel of the competition.

Piper: Uh huh, that's not what it looked like when I came in.

I tried to remain as causal as possible but my rising voice gave me away.

Phoebe: What are you talking about? The show is obviously an attention seeker. Just watch; it'll be canceled by the end of the month.

Piper smirked and slowly shook her head.

Piper: Phoebe, it's the end of the month. Also, you can't cancel Internet shows. Unless you're on Twitter and happen to be into that culture thing.

Phoebe: "Culture thing?"

Piper shrugged.

Piper: I don't know. Some mojo kids these days use.

Phoebe: Ah.

Piper: Just make sure you know what you're doing with this. The show is successful, but make sure you do your own thing. We don't need a law suit.

I chuckled as Piper stood up from her chair while checking her watch.

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