15. Difficulties of Being a Witch

79 5 0

Season 2

August 12, 2019

Piper's POV

Piper: Holy- ! Wyatt, don't hit that dog!

Wyatt: The dog is on the sidewalk.

I grabbed onto the nearest handle. Wyatt looked at me quickly before turning back to look at the road in front of him.

Piper: It can still get hit if you're not careful.

Wyatt rolled his eyes at me. He's practicing his driving one more time before taking his behind the wheel test tomorrow.

Wyatt: Stop being so dramatic. I'm a good driver. If I wasn't, I wouldn't be taking my test tomorrow.

Piper: Do you know how dangerous cars are?

Wyatt: As a matter of fact, I do. Can you please calm down?

Piper: I won't be calm until we are safely parked at the nearest hardware store.

Wyatt rolled his eyes but didn't say anything. He was quiet for a minute before speaking.

Wyatt: So, have you noticed Chris?

I shrugged.

Piper: I always notice Chris. He's my son and lives in my house.

Wyatt: No, I mean, he's seemed ... distant these past two months. Ever since ...

Piper: Yeah, I think we should give him time.

Wyatt: I haven't even seen him use magic which is ... uncommon, for him anyway.

I shrugged again.

Piper: Not necessarily. There haven't been any demon attacks so there is no use for powers at the moment. I think we just need to give him some space.

Wyatt nodded before switching lanes.

Piper: Did you check your mirrors?

Wyatt: Yes, I did.

Piper: Did you use the signal light.

Wyatt rolled his eyes again as he turned into the store's parking lot, pushing the signal light lever down with added effect.

Wyatt: Happy?

I sighed and unbuckled my seatbelt as Wyatt parked the car and took the keys out of the ignition.

Piper: Very.

Wyatt scoffed as he took off his seatbelt.

Piper: Hey, don't scoff at me.

Wyatt: Oh, by the way, I did use my signal light switching lanes.

He tilted his head, smirking as he exited the car.

Piper: You can never be too careful!

I shouted after him as I left the car, locking it behind me. Wyatt was already walking toward the store's entrance.

Piper: Wyatt!

Wyatt stopped and turned around to look at me.

Wyatt: Oh, let me guess, I need to be careful crossing the street.

He waved his hands in the air for dramatic effect.

Piper: No, well, yes, but that's not what I was going to say.

Wyatt: Really?

Said with sarcasm, lovely. I caught up with him.

Piper: I just thought you'd like to know why we're here, that's all.

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