5. Saving the Day

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Wyatt's POV

Chris and I orbed out of the room and into the living room, unnoticed thankfully. We looked around the room. There were no signs of a struggle. The screams seem to be coming from the back of the house.

Chris: the pool!

Chris and I ran outside to be faced with over one hundred teenagers running all around and screams filling our ears. We couldn't see what made the loud crashing sound.

Chris: we have to find Sam!

Chris ran away from me. I started chasing him.

Wyatt: Chris! Stop!

Chris kept running.

Wyatt: Chris we can't get separated!

Chris suddenly got lost within the large crowd. I couldn't find him anywhere.

Wyatt: Chris!

I started to panic. I don't know what has caused this mess but my brother is now missing within it. I took a deep breath and started looking around the panicked scene. I saw Chris standing beside the pool, looking confused.

Wyatt: Chris!

I started heading for the pool, but stopped when I saw a tree uprooted and covering a few cars.

Wyatt: what in the world?

Chris ran up to me.

Chris: there you are!

He looked at the cars.

Chris: what happened here?

Wyatt: I don't know. This must have made the loud crashing sound.

People were clearing out behind us, leaving the back yard almost deserted. We heard a faint scream coming from the direction of the cars.

Chris: someone's in one of those cars.

Wyatt: this is bad.

Chris: what do we do?

Wyatt: I don't know. Get help.

I turned to leave but Chris stopped me.

Chris: it's too late for that.

Chris closed his eyes and held his hand out in the direction of the cars. The tree started lifting. He was using magic in public.

Chris: Wyatt, help me!

I looked at Chris and saw how serious he was. We have to help that person, no matter the consqeunces. I held my hand out toward the cars and started helping Chris lift the tree. We heard our names being called but we didn't turn around.

Piper: Wyatt! Chris!

Mom, Dad, Aunt Phoebe, and Melinda ran up to us.

Leo: boys, stop!

We couldn't stop. If we dropped the tree the person in the car would be crushed.

Chris: we can't. There's a person in the car underneath the tree. We can't drop it.

Piper: okay, just, please be careful.

Chris and I concentrated on lifting the tree slowly off the car. It soon rose to a good enough height that we were able to telekinetically move it to an open area behind the cars. We put the tree down. Chris and I let out a breath.

Chris: we did it!

I hugged Chris.

Wyatt: good job, bro!

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