43. Beginnings

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Piper's POV

I entered the kitchen, preparing to make the kids a big breakfast before they head off to their first day of school, to find Wyatt sitting at the island, head in his hand and playing with his spoon by circling it in a bowl of cereal.

Piper: Uh, nervous about today?

Wyatt jumped a little before turning to face me. He looked like he didn't get a wink of sleep last night.

Piper: Are you okay?

Wyatt shook his head and looked back down at his cereal. I walked over to him and placed my hand on his back.

Piper: What's bothering you? Is it senior year?

Wyatt groaned and dropped his spoon. It fell against the bowl with a "clank."

Wyatt: Why does everyone assume it's senior year jitters? I'm completely fine about it.

I stepped back from him and held my hands up in defense.

Piper: Okay, I'm sorry.

He sighed and looked away from me, instead staring out the window above the sink.

Piper: Then, what is bothering you?

I took a seat next to him at the island. Wyatt continued looking out the window for a few seconds before facing me.

Wyatt: Do you believe in dreams predicting the future?

I stared at him for a second before looking away.

Piper: Well, I don't know. I guess it depends on the dream, and the person.

I looked back at Wyatt to find him staring at me intently.

Piper: If Phoebe had a strange dream, I'd say it's a telling of the future. If Grandpa told me he had a strange dream, I'd say it's a telling of how much alcohol he consumed the night before.

I chuckled, but Wyatt didn't find the humor.

Wyatt: What about other witches, not just those who get premonitions?

I stared at him for a few more seconds before asking.

Piper: Wyatt, did you have a strange dream?

He nodded slowly.

Piper: And this dream was ... different.

Wyatt nodded slowly again as I sighed.

Piper: What was this dream about?

Wyatt looked hesitant to answer before he spoke.

Wyatt: Well, it was Chris and me talking in our room before I heard a voice saying, "Help me." Chris and I sat up, and I started telling Chris what I heard before he started to-

Chris: Who's ready for the first day of school!

Chris and Melinda burst into the kitchen, overly excited for the first day of school.

Wyatt: Sleep. ... Sleep. Before he started to sleep. ... That's it.

I looked at Wyatt curiously. He was looking at Chris with concern on his face. I leaned over to whisper to him.

Piper: We'll talk about this later.

He nodded as I got off the island stool. I turned to face Chris and Melinda.

Piper: Want pancakes?

Chris: Of course!

I watched as Chris took the seat next to Wyatt. Wyatt eyed him as if he'd never seen him before. I raised an eyebrow at them. Melinda watched as well, clearly noticing something was off. Chris, on the other hand, was oblivious.

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