39. Storm Warning

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Chris's POV

Chris: Jason!

I heard the front door open as the fireball flew toward us. Wyatt and Melinda ran around the corner. They gasped as Melinda threw her hands up, freezing the room with the fireball half way between Jason and me. I sighed before looking at my siblings.

Wyatt: What is going on!?

I shrugged then gestured to Jason.

Chris: Jason went off the deep end. He came in here and started throwing fireballs at us.

I waved my arms in the air for dramatic effect.

Chris: Is this the friendship in disguise, or whatever, that fortune teller was talking about?

Wyatt shrugged.

Chris: I got to tell ya, I'm not loving it.

I stared at Wyatt and threw my hands out to the side.

Wyatt: Luckily we got here in time. What would you have done?

Chris: Honestly, probably act on instinct and throw the fireball back at him. That would not have been a good idea.

Melinda: Luckily I was here to freeze.

I nodded before realizing something. My eyebrows rose as I looked back at Jason, studying him.

Chris: How did he freeze?

Melinda: Huh?

Chris: He's a witch. How did he freeze?

Wyatt's mouth opened slightly as Melinda shrugged. I looked from Jason to Wyatt and Melinda.

Chris: Melinda, can you unfreeze Sam and take him into the kitchen?

Melinda nodded before throwing one hand up to unfreeze Sam. Sam unfroze and immediately shouted, causing me to jump.

Sam: Ah!

Chris: Sam, calm down.

Sam looked from me to Jason.

Sam: Is he frozen? Did you do that?

I shook my head and gestured to Melinda. She did a slight wave with her fingers.

Chris: She did.

Sam looked at Melinda with wide eyes.

Chris: Can you go with Melinda into the kitchen while we figure this out?

Sam nodded but kept his eyes on Jason as he walked away with Melinda. Wyatt sighed.

Wyatt: You have to make sure that isn't Jason. You don't want to vanquish him if it is.

Chris: I'm about 100% sure it isn't Jason. Jason wouldn't have froze.

Wyatt shrugged as a fire portal opened in the living room. Jason jumped out and landed beside me.

Jason: Hey! How's it going with Sam?

Jason froze and looked at his doppelgänger. He scrunched his eyebrows together, then looked at me. He pointed at the fake Jason.

Jason: That guy has my face.

I smiled at the real Jason, giving him a pat on the back.

Chris: This is the real Jason.

Wyatt: Are you sure?

I rolled my eyes then gestured to the real Jason, who was currently walking around his doppelgänger and poking various places on its face. Wyatt chuckled and nodded.

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