13. Preserved in Security

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Piper's POV

Piper: Wait!

Leo: What?

I turned around and looked down the hallway we just came from. Nothing but a long, dark hallway was in my sight, but I have a feeling. Call it a witch's calling or a mother's intuition, but we need to head back.

Piper: We have to go back.

Phoebe: Are you crazy? We just searched that hallway for an hour. I'm not heading back in that direction when there's still miles to go ahead of us.

Piper: I have a feeling that we need to go back the way we came. Please.

I stared at my sisters and husband, hoping to show my seriousness through the stare. Phoebe sighed.

Phoebe: Fine, but it better not be indigestion.

I rolled my eyes as we started back the way we came.

Piper: No, I have a feeling we passed Chris. I don't know how considering we haven't seen any rooms but he's there somewhere; I know it.

Leo: Alright, Piper. I always believed in your gut feelings before, I'll believe in them now.

I smiled at him and continued walking down the hallway.

Chris's POV

Sitting on a hard floor, crying for the past hour has not been fun, or productive. I picked my head up from where it was against my knees and looked around the room. A dark room with rocks lining the wall. No surprise there. I heard footsteps approaching the room followed by the door opening.

Alric: Ready?

I rolled my eyes and looked away from him as he made his way over to the cage.

Alric: It turns out the Alchemist was killed by the Charmed Ones.

My head shot back to him at that news. They're here! Mom and my aunts are here! I kept a straight face while looking at Alric.

Alric: Because of that, we are transporting you to another cell in a more closed off area. Even though the Alchemist isn't here, I will continue his plan has he wished it.

The door to the cage opened as he pulled me out. His hands were on the back of my shirt as he pushed me out of the room.

Alric: Now, if you don't struggle, this won't hurt one bit. If you start to get on my nerves ... well, let's just say I have no problems with my powers.

He looked at me with a serious expression and nodded.

Chris: What do you want with me?

Alric sighed and looked at me.

Chris: Fine, sorry. I just think I have the right know what is going to happen to me.

Alric sighed again before speaking.

Alric: The Alchemist was going to use your blood for his Life Essences. Now that he's gone, I was told to take you to the closed off area for preservation.

My eyes went wide.

Chris: What!? You want to store me like a piece of meat!?

Alric: Is that struggle I hear, kid?

Chris: Yes, it's a struggle! I'm not letting you preserve me!

I tried to get out of his grasp. He shoved me and I landed on the dirt floor. He towered over me, making a fire ball appear in his hand.

Alric: Listen, kid! I don't care what happens to you! I was told to send you away for preservation but I don't think anyone would mind if I killed you!

He threw the fireball at me. I closed my eyes, preparing for the worst before I heard an explosion. I opened my eyes to find Alric looking down the hall. I turned my head to see what he was looking at.

Chris: Mom!

I got up to run to her, but Alric put his hand across my chest, stopping me.

Alric: Don't you dare, kid!

Piper: Don't you dare! Get your hands off my son!

Mom blasted him. He flew back. Her powers work? I watched as he flew past me, landing on his back. I ran to my mom.

Chris: Mom!

I hugged her as tight as I could; my eyes filled with tears. I then saw Dad and my aunts there as well.

Chris: Dad!

I ran to hug him next.

Leo: We are so glad you're safe!

I let out a crying laugh. Mom blasted Alric one more time before he was vanquished. She turned to look at me.

Piper: Are you okay?

I nodded before I ran to hug her again, still crying.

Chris: I am so sorry! I will never disobey you again!

I continued to sob as she held me, rubbing my back.

Leo: Hey, buddy, it's okay.

Piper: Shh, you're safe now.

My aunts stood beside Mom and Dad as they comforted me. I have never felt so secure in my life.

Wyatt's POV

I heard movement downstairs. I ran from my room, calling to Melinda on the way. As soon as we reached the landing by the main area I saw Mom, Dad, my aunts, and Chris standing there, looking worn out. Chris looked up at me as I made my way down the stairs, Melinda following. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs. Chris stared at me before he ran up to me and gave me a tight hug. I looked at Mom confused but she just smiled and nodded. I wrapped my arms around Chris to hug him back.

Chris: I am so sorry, Wyatt! I never meant anything I said to you.

Chris has clearly been crying. What happened to him in the underworld?

Wyatt: Hey, it's okay.

I pulled back from the hug to look him in the eye while holding onto his shoulders.

Wyatt: No hard feelings, alright?

Chris nodded and gave me a small smile. Melinda stepped in front of me to give Chris a hug as well.

Melinda: I'm glad you're safe.

Chris: Me too.

Once they parted Chris looked at Mom.

Chris: I think I'm going to go to bed.

He walked over and gave Mom and Dad a hug, as well as Phoebe and Paige.

Chris: Thank you guys so much.

He smiled and started heading upstairs. We all stared at the stairs for a moment before turning to face each other.

Wyatt: What was that about?

Mom sighed.

Piper: He was kidnapped by the Alchemist then held against his will and almost preserved for his blood.

I stuttered.

Wyatt: Wh- what!?

Piper: It's over now, and I think Chris just wants to forget it.

Phoebe: I better get going. Call me if you need anything.

Paige: Me too.

We waved goodbye as they left the house.

Leo: Why don't you two get some sleep. I have a feeling we've got a tough summer ahead of us.

Mom nodded. Melinda and I followed them upstairs. If Chris's experience was any indication, it will be a tough summer, and summer has only just begun.


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