25. Fall Festival

70 6 0

October 12, 2019

Chris's POV

Piper: No, I can't.

Mom was talking on the phone, pacing the kitchen when I walked into the room.

Piper: Because. ... Because why? ... Well, I work today, that's why. I have my own business. ... Yes, I know there are other people but-

Mom looked at me and pointed to the phone, rolling her eyes.

Piper: Can't someone else do it? ... I'm the someone else?

Mom groaned as I sat down at the kitchen island.

Piper: Well ... hello? Hello?

Mom sighed as she hung up the phone.

Piper: He hung up on me.

I laughed and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl.

Chris: Who did?

Piper: Your superintendent.

My eyes widen.

Chris: I didn't do it, whatever it was. It was probably Wyatt.

Mom chuckled.

Piper: Neither of you did anything. He called to ask me if I'd be a parent worker at your school's fall festival this afternoon.

Chris: That's pretty last minute, isn't it?

Piper: Well, one of the parents dropped out so he called his backup.

I nodded.

Piper: And when she couldn't do it, he called me.

I smiled as Mom groaned.

Piper: I have to work today. I can't leave Nate in charge too much. Bad things happen when he's in charge.

Chris: Have you asked Phoebe or Paige?

Her face lit up.

Piper: You're a genius!

I smiled and crossed my arms.

Chris: I know. That's said on every one of my report cards.

Mom chuckled.

Piper: I know Phoebe can't because she was planning on spending the day with Prudence at the festival, but Paige may be able to.

Mom started dialing on the phone as the doorbell rang.

Piper: Can you get that?

I nodded and left the kitchen, heading for the front door. Wyatt already beat me to it. He opened he front door and Sam walked in, followed by Jason.

Jason: Woah! Jaxon wasn't lying when he said your house was old vintage.

Wyatt rolled his eyes.

Wyatt: The house has been in our family for generations, so of course it's old.

Jason: Ah, you're one of those families.

Sam: Can I just point out that Jason and his brother just moved here, yet they've been to your house several times while we've been friends since kindergarten and-

Chris: Sam?

Sam stopped talking and looked at me. I shook my head and smiled.

Chris: Get over it.

Sam sighed, then smiled.

Sam: Fine.

Chris: Anyway, what's up guys?

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