23. Magical Occurences

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Chris's POV

At the end of the day I saw Wyatt talking to his friends in the hallway. I quickly walked up to him.

Wyatt: No, I told her that- ah!

I quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him away. His friends looked at us confused. I rounded a corner, leading us away from prying eyes and ears.

Wyatt: What's wrong with you?

Chris: Did you look outside during sixth period today?

Wyatt looked up before looking back at me and shook his head.

Wyatt: I had gym, no windows. Why?

I sighed.

Chris: Something weird is going on, man.

Wyatt: What?

Chris: It was raining during sixth period.

I looked at him with wide eyes. Wyatt looked confused.

Wyatt: Great. We're in a drought.

I shook my head.

Chris: No. I was the only one who saw that it was raining.

Wyatt: Do you sit near a window?

I groaned and grabbed his shoulders.

Chris: No! Out of the whole class, it was only raining for me!

Wyatt raised his eyebrows.

Wyatt: Oh.

I let go of his shoulders and nodded.

Chris: Yeah, oh.

Wyatt: Well, Dad did say Friday the 13th is the most magical day of the year. Maybe the weather joined in.

Chris: Why was I the only one that could see it?

Wyatt shrugged.

Wyatt: Maybe because you're, you know.

I nodded.

Chris: Maybe.

Wyatt: Well, do you have all your stuff?

I nodded.

Wyatt: Alright, let's go pick everyone up.

Piper's POV

I walked in the manor. I had to leave Nate in charge so I could talk to my sisters about the earthquake, which apparently, I only experienced. I started to close the door but I saw Phoebe and Paige come up the steps toward the manor. Phoebe started shouting over the noise of the construction crew on the street.

Phoebe: Good, Piper, you're home!

Piper: Well, I wasn't supposed to be but something weird happened at work!

I sighed and looked down the street at the annoyingly loud construction crew.

Piper: Let's talk inside!

They nodded and came inside. We walked into the living room.

Paige: Something weird happened to you too?

Piper: What happened to you?

Paige was about to answer but Chris's voice could be heard by the front door. Wyatt, Chris, and Melinda came into the living room.

Piper: Are you okay?

Chris: Something weird happened today.

I looked at my sisters.

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