54. Unseen Bonds

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October 15, 1853

Melinda's POV

"Let's find the history book," I sighed, heading toward the bedroom door. "That's still missing and if my family does come to get us, I can't leave the book behind." Sam nodded and followed closely behind me.

"We looked everywhere in the house, Melinda. It's just not here," Sam huffed. "We aren't going to find it."

"Well, not with that attitude," I said as we entered the kitchen area. I stopped suddenly, causing Sam to run into my back with a huff.

"Why'd you stop?" Sam stepped back and eyed me carefully.

"Listen," I gestured around the room and the silence that filled the kitchen. Sam raised his eyebrows and slowly looked around as well.

"I don't hear anything. Well, besides that watermill," Sam gestured outside to the waterwheel spinning ocean water around. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, facing Sam.

"Where are Anna and Laura?"

"You don't think...?" he trailed off as his eyes grew wide.

"No," I said, shaking my head. "It's too early for that. Besides, Laura wasn't killed-"

"I wasn't killed?"

Sam and I snapped our heads to the den's archway where Anna and Laura stood with their arms crossed and displeased looks on their faces.

"Uh... what?" I asked, playing dumb. Anna and Laura didn't seem to buy it as they stepped further into the room, closer to us.

"You said I wasn't killed?" Laura explained seriously. "What did you mean by that?"

"Melinda never knows what she's saying," Sam chuckled nervously before facing me, "Right, Melinda?"

"Yeah," I chuckled along with Sam. "I'm so scattered brained. My thoughts are always getting jumbled."

Anna and Laura stared at us for a few seconds more. I couldn't tell if they were buying the story or not by their unreadable faces.

"I see," Anna said slowly before looking at Laura and nodding.

"Is this yours?" Laura asked as she held up our family history book. My eyes widened as I stared at the book.

"Uh, that depends..." I answered.

"On what?" Anna asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"How much you read," I smiled slightly and looked Anna in the eyes. She nodded and took the book from Laura's hand before opening the front cover.

"This is our book," Anna began, "but it's not."

"It's too thick and..." Laura trailed off, waving her hand in the air trying to find the right words.

"Futuristic," Sam finished with a nod before I slapped his arm. He flinched and let out a mumbled "ow," bringing is hand up to rub his arm.

"Futuristic is a good word to describe it," Anna continued, closing the book and laying it on the kitchen table. She was quiet for several seconds as her and Laura looked over Sam and me carefully. "Who are you?" she finally asked.

"Please," I sighed, and practically begged, "don't ask questions. It's not safe."

"And that makes it so much better," Anna scoffed and rolled her eyes before putting a hand on her hip. "Look, I don't care what you are or where you're from. I just want to know if we can trust you enough to let you stay in our home." Laura nodded in agreement, her face completely serious.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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