18. Our Friendship Goes Beyond

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Wyatt's POV

Chris: Mom!

Chris yelled as soon as we entered the manor. Mom came from the kitchen.

Piper: Hey. How was the drive?

Wyatt: Short.

Mom looked confused.

Piper: What?

Wyatt: We were at the park and-

Chris: My powers don't work.

Piper: What?

Chris: I tried moving a flying frisbee that was going to hit Wyatt-

Piper: Oh my gosh, are you okay?

I nodded.

Chris: He's fine, thank you very much, but I'm not. My powers didn't work then, and they don't work now.

He tried moving the mirror that was hanging by the door. Nothing.

Chris: See.

Piper: Don't panic. Is this the first time you noticed your powers didn't work?

Chris: I've been so depressed this summer I didn't even try to use them. Is it possible I forgot how?

Piper: Leo, can you come here a sec!?

Dad came down from upstairs.

Leo: How was the drive?

Chris: My powers don't work.

Dad looked at Mom then back to Chris.

Leo: Uh, what?

Piper: He tried stopping a frisbee from hitting Wyatt-

Leo: Wyatt, are you okay?

Chris groaned.

Chris: Yes, he's fine, but my powers are gone!

Piper: Could he forgot how to use them?

Leo: Unlikely. Do you think the demons took them? You know, when you were ... caged.

Chris winced.

Leo: Sorry.

Chris sighed and nodded.

Chris: I remember my powers not working there but I thought they were blocked, not gone.

Leo: It is very possible they used some type of spell on you to take away your powers. I'm sure there's a power restoration spell in the Book somewhere.

Piper: I'll go look.

Mom looked at Chris.

Piper: It'll be okay, Chris.

Chris sighed and nodded.

Sam's POV

Jason: Hey, man! What's up?

"New Neighbor Jason" walked over and laid down beside me on the grass. I sighed.

Sam: Nothing much.

Jason: Are you okay?

Sam: I was supposed to hang out with my best friend today but he had to cut the time short.

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