34. A Whole New World

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Chris's POV

Once I left the classroom, I ran down the hallway, searching every corner and turn I could possibly find. I tried calling out to him, hoping he'd alert me in some way.

Chris: Jason!

I ran until I hit a dead end. Then I turned around and tried again. I finally reached the opposite end of the school.

Chris: Jason!

I skidded to a halt once I heard a loud sound. It sounded like something being thrown against the lockers. I quickly ran toward the sound, turning into a long hallway. I saw Jason being held in the air by an invisible force. A man with black hair and a beard was standing in front of him, obviously controlling the force. I started running toward them.

Chris: Hey! Put him down!

The man looked at me before dropping Jason. Jason landed on the floor and fell against the lockers. His breathing was erratic and his eyes were wide with fear. We caught eyes for a second before I turned my attention back to the man, or demon.

Chris: If you want someone, take me. I can handle it, just ... leave my friend alone.

The demon laughed before making a fire ball appear in his hand.

Elijah: You must be mistaken. I'm not looking for your type.

He threw the fire ball at me. I held my hand out and telepathically threw it back at him. He tripped back but was otherwise unfazed. My eyes widened as he made a bigger fireball appear between both of his hands. He threw it at me. Again, I threw it back with my powers. This time, the fireball knocked him to the ground, but he was still very much alive. I ran over and grabbed Jason's hand, trying to pull him up. Jason looked at me with fear in his eyes.

Chris: We've got to go! Come on!

Jason stayed still.

Chris: Jason! Snap out of it!

Wyatt: Chris!

I turned to see Wyatt running toward me just as I heard the demon groan behind me. Wyatt stopped in front of me and eyed the demon.

Wyatt: Did you take him out?

I shook my head.

Chris: No, he's too strong. We have to go before-

Elijah: A fireball isn't going to stop me.

Wyatt held out his hand, throwing the demon back a little bit. I finally pulled Jason to his feet, but he still looked too shocked to move. I turned around to find Wyatt holding the demon back.

Wyatt: Chris! Help me!

I held my hands out, helping Wyatt hold the demon back. Wyatt closed his eyes and gained as much strength as he could muster. Finally, a force flew toward the demon, throwing him back against the row of lockers. The demon laid there for a couple of seconds before giving us a glare.

Elijah: There will be more.

He shimmered away. Wyatt and I sighed before I remembered. I turned to see Jason standing still in the middle of the hallway. His hands were shaking and his eyes were wide. His gaze never left us as we walked closer to him. He shook his head and took a step back. His voice was shaky when he finally spoke.

Jason: Wh-what are you?

Chris: Jason-

Jason: What are you!?

I flinched as Jason's tone got darker. Wyatt's eyes widened before he took a protective stance in front of me.

Chris: Wyatt. It's okay.

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