42. Opportunities

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Piper's POV

Piper: Woah. Hold on there.

I stopped my kids as they came down from the attic, almost knocking the laundry basket out of my hands.

Piper: What're you doing in the attic?

They turned to look at me, the three of them standing in a straight line. Chris spoke first.

Chris: Nothing unusual, I promise.

I looked over all three of their faces before resting the laundry basket on my hip and giving them my best "mom stare." Chris sighed before answering.

Chris: The ghost is still roaming the manner.

Wyatt: Yeah, and all we were doing was trying to find a way to get rid of it.

Melinda: Which we can't, by the way.

I nodded calmly.

Piper: Okay, well, the only way to get rid of a pesky ghost is to get it to move on somehow.

Wyatt: Yeah, that's what we were going to try.

Piper: Good, and next time, Chris, no more summoning ghosts.

He nodded.

Piper: That ghost is probably the reason for many of the odd disappearances in this house.

Melinda: Disappearances?

Piper: My dish towels, cooking utensils, milk, you name it.

Chris: The only problem is we don't know when the ghost will appear again. She isn't here during the day, that I've noticed anyway. And I'm not awake every night to catch her.

I nodded and shifted the laundry basket to my other hip.

Piper: Well, I guess you'll have to watch for her then.

Chris's eyes widened.

Chris: Wait! Me? By myself? Why?

Piper: Well, I don't know, Chris. You are the one that summoned her, right?

Chris: Yeah, but-

Piper: And, you are the only one that's seen her, right?

Chris: Well-

Piper: So you'll be the one to help her. She seems to have chosen you.

Chris shook his head.

Chris: I can't convince a ghost to move on. That's not in my job profile.

Wyatt chuckled and patted Chris on the back.

Wyatt: I'll help. I can't be too hard. I wasn't even looking for her this morning and I found her.

I shook my head and smiled.

Piper: Good. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to put this laundry away and then keep Phoebe from going insane over her new job offer.

Wyatt and Chris each rose an eyebrow causing Melinda to answer.

Melinda: Prudence said Aunt Phoebe got offered the opportunity of a lifetime! She could be her own talk show host!

Wyatt and Chris both smiled.

Wyatt: That's great!

Chris: What's the problem?

Piper: She doesn't want to do it.

Chris: What? Why not?

Piper: I don't know. That's why I'm going to talk to her.

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