40. Calm the Storms

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Piper's POV

Piper: Find anything yet, Paige?

Paige shook her head while flipping pages through the Book.

Paige: Not yet.

I sighed as Phoebe placed her hands on her hips.

Phoebe: Why don't we just create one? It can't be that difficult, right?

I looked at Leo who shrugged.

Leo: Weather is a complicated force, Phoebe. Trying to calm these storms may affect others. Earth needs weather to thrive, but in the right amounts. You can't risk accidentally stopping weather altogether.

Piper: Or keeping the storms going forever.

Leo nodded in agreement.

Leo: Exactly.

Phoebe sighed and took a seat on the couch near the window. The Elementals were gathered in a circle on the other side of the attic. I looked over at them before turning to face Leo who was also looking in their direction.

Leo: What are they chatting about over there?

He faced me as I shrugged.

Piper: I think they're trying to calm themselves before the big event tomorrow night.

Leo nodded. I saw several blue orbs appear near the attic door as my kids and Prudence appeared, as well as Sam. I took note of their startled faces.

Piper: Whoa, what's wrong?

Sam looked around the room as he stepped back from Melinda. Chris was about to speak before Wyatt spoke up.

Wyatt: A large group of demons circled us on our way home, that's what's wrong.

I sighed and rubbed my forehead.

Piper: They must have tracked the closest magic they could find.

The kids stared at me with blank faces.

Piper: Oh, Paige created a magical barrier around the manor so demons can't sense the Elementals. Demons can't get in, even if they find out where they're hiding.

The kids nodded before lightning flashed and a loud crack of thunder filled the air. The manor shook slightly before the lights went out. I looked up at the ceiling light before groaning.

Piper: Seriously?

Leo chuckled.

Leo: No problem.

He threw his hand out and five orb spheres floated to the ceiling, instantly lighting the room in a blueish light.

Piper: Thanks.

I smiled slightly at Leo and he nodded. Sam looked at the orb spheres with wide eyes before looking at Chris. Chris smiled and shrugged before patting Sam on the shoulder.

Chris: Magical electrically.

Sam smiled and nodded.

Wyatt: Is there a plan to stop the storms?

I nodded while gesturing over at Paige.

Piper: She's looking for a spell at the moment. The weather has to be clear until tomorrow night so the Elementals can do the ritual.

Paige quickly spoke up.

Paige: Found one.

Phoebe and I walked over to Paige and looked over her shoulders at the Book.

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