52. Time-Tossed

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(Note: I decided to start writing in the "normal" book format. My chapters will be written like this from now on.)


Melinda's POV

I dropped Sam as I gaped at the woman - Anna - in front of me. Anna eyed me curiously before looking down at Sam where he now laid on the ground. I blinked a couple of times and cleared my throat.

"An- Anna Bowen? Did you say Anna Bowen?" I stuttered, watching Anna carefully. She nodded and smiled before taking a quick glance at Sam.

"I am. Um..." she frowned and looked back at me. "I think you may want to pick up your friend."

I stared at her for a second as I started comprehending the words. "What?"

"Your friend?"

"My fri- Oh, right." I reached down to pick Sam back up, tugging his arm until he was in a sitting position once again. Anna watched us momentarily, scrunching her eyebrows together.

"Do I know you?" she asked. "You just seem familiar... I mean, you do look a lot like my younger sister, Laura."

My eyes widened as I snapped my head from Sam to Anna. Laura? Laura Bowen? The woman Sam said I had a resemblance to was Anna's sister.

"Your sister?"

Anna raised an eyebrow and nodded slowly. "Yes," she looked concerned as she continued, "Please don't take this the wrong way but... are you hard of hearing?"

"Am I hard of-," I stopped talking as I realized what Anna was getting at and quickly shook my head. "No- No, I'm not hard of hearing. I just thought that you looked familiar too," I smiled and shook my head, "But I must have been mistaken because it's not you I was thinking of..."

She deadpanned at me as I quickly closed my mouth from my ramble. I smiled slightly and Anna shrugged, letting it go.

"Okay, well..." Anna looked off down the road to find her horse grazing near the side not too far away, "I'd better go retrieve her and make sure she's okay. Good luck." Anna turned to leave but I quickly stopped her. Lord knows Sam and I need someone's help around here.

"Wait!" She quickly turned back around with a confused look. "Can my friend, Sam, and I come with you. We're a little lost." Anna eyed me for a second before breaking into a smile.

"Of course. If you can help me with Hazel," she pointed to her horse down the road, "I'll talk to my family and get you and your friend a room to stay in for the night."

I let out a sigh of relief and nodded. "Thank you so much," she nodded as I added one more thing. "But, if I help you with Hazel, you have to help me with Sam," I chuckled and gestured to Sam beside me, "He's not light." Anna laughed and nodded before heading off down the road. I carefully laid Sam down on the grass before standing and dusting myself off.

"Wait up!" I called out to Anna.


We rode in silence for a few moments. Anna was completely focused on the road in front of her as Hazel pulled us along the dirt road. Sam was lying in the back, still out of it, and situated between Anna's supplies. I looked around at our surroundings; there was nothing different from the spot we first landed. It was still just as dark out and the gas lamps created a warm glow on the road. The only thing different was the dimly lit town - San Francisco - that was slowly approaching ahead.

"So..." Anna broke the silence and cleared her throat, "Where are you two from then?"

"Then?" I scrunched my eyebrows as I looked at Anna.

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