6. Possession

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Phoebe's POV

We orbed into the living room. We needed to find Jenna.

Phoebe: Jenna!

Melinda yelled from the main area.

Melinda: guys! In here!

We walked into the main area of the house. Jenna was sitting on one of the couches. I walked up to her.

Phoebe: Jenna?

Melinda: she isn't moving. She's been staring into space like that ever since I walked in.

Her eyes were open and she was sitting very still. Her hands were on her knees and her back was straight.

Chris: what's wrong with her?

Leo: I think she's possessed.

Wyatt: like, ghosts?

Phoebe: or some type of demonic thing.

Leo: I'd go with the latter.

Chris: well, what do we do?

Phoebe: Wyatt, can you orb to get the "Book of Shadows"?

Wyatt nodded and orbed away.

Phoebe: I think there's a spell to unpossess someone over taken by another soul.

Wyatt orbed back with the book.

Wyatt: here you go.

Phoebe: thanks.

I flipped through the book until I found what I was looking for.

Phoebe: hopefully this works.

I began to say the spell.

Phoebe: "Host soul reject the poison essence.
Let love's light end this cruel possession."

We all looked at Jenna. A blue spirit left her body and we all watched as it left the house, going through the wall. Jenna started looking around.

Jenna: what's going on?

I smiled at her.

Phoebe: it's okay. I'm Phoebe.

Jenna: where's my sister?

I looked at Leo.

Phoebe: can you go get Piper?

Leo nodded before he left the room to orb to Piper.

Phoebe: we are getting her.

Jenna put her hand on her head.

Jenna: my head really hurts.

Jenna looked around the room. She looked at Wyatt and Chris.

Jenna: don't I know you two?

Chris: yeah, you're a grade above me. We went to the same middle school last year.

Wyatt: and we go to the same high school this year. You're a grade below me.

Jenna: right. Uh ...

She pointed at Wyatt.

Jenna: Chris and ...

She pointed at Chris.

Jenna: Wyatt.

Chris: actually, I'm Chris, that's Wyatt.

He pointed at Wyatt.

Jenna: Halliwell, right?

Phoebe: yes. How's your headache?

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