24. Fear Ridden

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Chris's POV

Chris: Well?

Wyatt looked at his phone then back up at the demon across the gym.

Wyatt: 9:00. It's been fifteen minutes and he's still here.

Chris: Should we ...?

I motioned toward the demon and Wyatt nodded.

Wyatt: Yeah. The sooner we get this over with, the sooner I can get back to dancing with Samantha.

Wyatt smiled.

Wyatt: Hey! I can dance with my Sam and you can dance with your Sam.

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

Chris: Let's just go. Oh, by the way, I have a lot to say about your so called "dancing skills."

Wyatt chuckled before we headed over to the demon on the other side of the gym. He noticed us and smiled.

Dezen: Halliwell's, my name is Dezen. I'm a newly recruited demon of fear, in case you were wondering.

He sounded like the average man. Nothing could have given him away, except for his odd clothing choice of an all black suit and shawl.

Dezen: And I've been sensing fear in this exact location. I've just been waiting for you to make the first move.

Wyatt: Who's fear brought you here?

Dezen smiled and nodded in my direction. Wyatt turned to look at me.

Wyatt: Chris? He's fine, right Chris?

I nodded as Dezen chuckled then waved his hand in front of my face.

Dezen: Well, that's a lot of fear to be "fine."

Chris: Look, everyone here has fears. It's what makes us human.

Dezen shook his head.

Dezen: But you're not human, are you? You're a witch, with a very witch fear.

Wyatt sighed then whispered beside me even though it was barely audible over the loud music.

Wyatt: Chris, move on.

I was about to answer before I was suddenly in the underworld, caged with demons all around me. I started shouting.

Chris: Hey! No! Not again. Help! Wyatt!

Wyatt's POV

Chris was shouting and looking around, not moving from his spot.

Wyatt: Chris! I'm right here!

Chris: Help! Uh ... Stop!

Wyatt: Chris!

I looked at Dezen who was focused on Chris.

Wyatt: Stop it!

Dezen: Can't. I'm a demon of fear, remember?

I watched as Chris started giving more and more in to his fear.

Chris: Wyatt!

Wyatt: Chris! Can you hear me!? It's all fake!

Nothing helped. Chris kept looking around him and tripping over his own feet. He covered his head and shouted.

Piper's POV

Leo: What a movie. One of my all time favorites.

I smiled.

Piper: I know, that's why I chose it.

I grabbed a piece of popcorn from the bowl and held it up for Leo to eat. He ate the piece of popcorn and smiled at me.

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