26. This Party's on Fire

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October 13, 2019

Piper's POV

Chris: Mom? Are you okay? You're acting a little ... jittery.

I looked up to see Chris looking at me where I sat at the kitchen table. I was trying to read this book that I've been wanting to finish but the fact that Chris's surprise party starts in an hour has me a little anxious.

Piper: I'm fine. Hey!

Chris jumped as he turned back to look at me.

Chris: What?

I closed my book and got up.

Piper: Want to go to my restaurant?

Chris: Isn't it closed today?

Piper: Yeah, but I could always use the help with inventory.

Chris stared at me before shaking his head.

Chris: No thanks. Maybe Melinda wants to help.

Piper: Melinda is at a friend's house.

Chris: And Wyatt?

Piper: Friend's house.

Chris sighed before standing up from his seat at the kitchen island.

Chris: Fine. Let me grab a jacket.

Chris left the room. I pulled out my phone to text Paige that we're on our way. She replied with a "thumbs up" emoji. I rolled my eyes.

Phoebe's POV

Paige: Piper just texted me saying they're on their way.

I nodded and looked across the room. One of the restaurant's longest tables was set up for the huge gathering. Presents were on a smaller table near the entrance while balloons were hung everywhere. We even got a "Happy Birthday, Chris!" sign that is now hung near the table. The chocolate fountain is set up next to a wide variety of sweets. And finally, pizza boxes are stacked and ready to be eaten.

Phoebe: Good. I don't know long we can keep the guests from wanting to eat the pizza over there.

I looked over to see Wyatt slap Sam's hand away from a candy bowl. I smiled and shook my head. Melinda and Prudence ran over to us.

Melinda: When are Mom and Chris getting here?

Prudence: We want the pizza.

I smiled.

Phoebe: They should be here in five to ten minutes, depending on traffic.

They nodded before skipping away.

Paige: I'll go put the music on. Chris doesn't really listen to music so I just chose the pop/rock playlist. Good enough?

Phoebe: Sounds good to me. Everyone can jam out to Shawn Mendes, Katy Perry, Harry Styles, and BTS.

Paige: I'll see if I can throw in some Madonna and Backstreet Boys.

Phoebe: Now you're talking!

Paige smiled before walking away. I looked over at the party one more time. Leo was chasing Parker and Peyton around the room with a balloon sword while Henry was making a couple of ballon swords for Tam and Kat, and Henry Jr. was following Coop around asking him a bunch of questions. I smiled at the gathering. Chris is going to love this.

Wyatt's POV

Wyatt: Sam, stop! The candy is for the party.

Sam took his hand away from the bowl as he looked at me.

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