10. Charmed One's Child

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Piper's POV

Alchemist: well, well, well. What do we have here?

Piper: oh please, like you don't know.

Alchemist: you're right, I do know who you four are. The powerful Charmed Ones and their whitelighter, who is married to, hmm ... I want to say ... Piper, snarky one in the middle.

I rolled my eyes.

Alchemist: what I don't know is who that is.

He pointed behind us to Chris.

Chris: me? Oh I'm just a kid who happens to be passing by. Great seeing you all. Got to run.

Chris turned to leave but the Alchemist cut him off.

Alchemist: not so fast! This location isn't close to any candy stores or video game shops. I'm guessing you're one of the Charmed Ones' children.

We all stayed silent.

Alchemist: your silence tells me "yes." Perfect!

The Alchemist disappears and reappears next to Chris, grabbing onto his shirt collar.

Piper: get away from him.

Alchemist: Piper's child, I should have known. Only the offspring of the snarky would dare to do something as stupid as your little boy here.

Leo: please, he didn't do anything.

Alchemist: not yet. He will though, in time. Children and teenagers are much healthier and stronger than any adult. I can trade Rebecca for your son.

Piper: don't you dare.

I tried blasting the Alchemist but he disappeared with Chris.

Piper: this is all my fault.

Phoebe: Piper, Chris came here on his own free will.

Piper: yes, but if they would have been in on the plan instead of told to stay home-

Leo: Piper, we were protecting them, okay. You did nothing wrong.

Paige: let's get Rebecca and then find Chris.

Leo: good idea.

Chris's POV

The Alchemist brought us to some dark, small room. I'm assuming in the underworld.

Alchemist: sit here.

He pushed me into a chair that's place in the center of the room.

Alchemist: alright kid, tell me what you know about me and my title.

Chris: I know nothing, honest.

Alchemist: we'll just have to see about that.

He waves his hand in front of my face and looks down at me.

Alchemist: Christopher Perry Halliwell. Middle child of Leo Wyatt and Piper Halliwell. Brother to Wyatt and Melinda. Powers of telekinesis and orbing, with much more on the way. Part of the future-

Chris: what do you want from me?

Alchemist: you are the perfect human to create my Life Essences with.

Chris: you want my blood to make your creepy Life Essences?

Alchemist: bingo! And don't call them creepy, some of them are quite nice.

Chris: how do you figure?

Alchemist: well, they, uh-

Chris: exactly.

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