21. Happy or Not

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Wyatt's POV

I sat in the van after school and waited for Chris to get here. I turned on the radio, Happy by Pharrell Williams was playing. I danced in my seat while singing.

Wyatt: "... Because I'm happy. Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth. Because I'm happy. Clap along if you know what happiness is to you. Because I'm happy. Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do."

I heard the door open and slam shut. Chris had an annoyed expression on his face as he sunk down into the seat. Chris turned off the radio.

Wyatt: Hey!

Chris: What's so "happy" about today anyway?

Wyatt: Hey, I thought you'd be in a good mood since you and Sam were talking again. And, it looks like you made a new fr-

Chris stopped me by holding up his hand.

Chris: Don't say "friend." He's not my friend, okay, he's my enemy.

I looked at Chris confused.

Wyatt: Okay then. Who is he?

Chris sighed.

Chris: Sam's new neighbor, Jason Reed.

Wyatt chuckled.

Wyatt: Ah, so you're jealous.

Chris glared at me.

Chris: Can you stop with the dating jokes for two seconds. No, I'm not jealous. Jason accused me of lying to Sam all these years, you know, basically the truth. And the worst part is, he's right. I actually did lie all those times because a demon showed up or one of us got kidnapped.

Chris threw his hands up in the air before laying them in his lap.

Chris: And I can't tell Sam or Jason or anyone why I had to lie. Now Jason thinks I'm this horrible person and Sam thinks I ditch him all the time. This really sucks.

I rubbed his back.

Wyatt: We'll get over it one day, you know that, right?

Chris shrugged as I put my hands on the steering wheel.

Chris: I'll have to lose my friend in the process, and lose him to that, that, demon.

Wyatt laughed.

Wyatt: Alright, let's not go that far.

Wyatt started the car and headed out of the parking lot.

Melinda's POV

Prudence: Alright, your brother is late and I have to use the bathroom. Be right back.

Prudence ran back into the school as Jaxon came out. Great. He walked up to me.

Jaxon: Did we get off on the wrong foot?

I shook my head.

Melinda: I'm just not that much of a people person.

Jaxon smiled.

Jaxon: Well, I'm new here and I'd like to make some friends, if you're interested.

I smiled then nodded.

Melinda: Okay, sure.

He held out his hand and I shook it.

Jaxon: Jaxon Reed.

I laughed.

Melinda: Melinda Halliwell. And the other girl I was with is my cousin Prudence.

Jaxon nodded. A convertible sped up to the curb and honked.

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