28. Unfolding Further

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Chris's POV

Sam: What the hell was that!?

He stood up quickly. Jason still appeared to be frozen.

Chris: Well, you said you believed in ghosts, right?

Sam started pacing the room. His breathing was shallow. Oh gosh, I hope he doesn't pass out.

Sam: Well, yeah, but I never thought I'd ever experience one!

I stood up as well before looking at Jason.

Chris: Uh, Jason? Are you okay?

Jason nodded his head and cleared his throat before standing up. His voice was hoarse when he spoke.

Jason: Uh, I'm fine.

He cleared his throat again.

Jason: That's just not something you see everyday.

I nodded.

Sam: How are you so calm!? Did you not just see the same thing I did!?

Sam stared at me, completely serious.

Chris: Oh, yeah, no, that was insane. I'm just trying to hold it together, you know, for your sake. You seem to be losing it.

Sam: Well, of course I'm losing it! We're trapped in a house with a ghost!

I rolled my eyes as Sam started pacing the room again.

Chris: Okay, one, we aren't trapped, and two, even if it was a ghost, it's not like it can do anything, okay?

Sam shook his head and continued pacing.

Chris: Sam, calm down! We don't need you passing out again. Do you remember the haunted house last year?

Sam glared at me as I smirked at him.

Chris: Do you want to go watch movies in my room now?

Sam frantically nodded his head and ran out of the room. Jason followed behind him. Once I reached the top of the stairs I saw Sam dart toward my bedroom. I rolled my eyes.

Chris: Pick a movie, I'm going to use the bathroom really quick. Oh, Jason?

Jason turned around to look at me.

Chris: Make sure Sam isn't wetting himself.

Jason smiled and nodded before continuing to my room. I entered the bathroom. I turned the light on and looked in the mirror. In the mirror's reflection I saw a woman standing behind me. I quickly turned around. She had brown hair and was wearing an old time dress. I was about to shout from being startled but she held her finger to her lips and pointed at the bathroom door. I heard a knock at the door.

Sam: Are you almost done in there? I should probably use the bathroom before I watch any horror movies tonight, you know?

The woman looked at me before speaking back, in my voice.

Woman: Yeah, I'll be right out.

She smiled at me before vanishing into thin air. I stared at the spot she was just in before shaking my head. I opened the door and Sam rushed in. I closed the door behind me as I left. What an odd night.

Piper's POV

More guests showed up to the party every ten minutes. The Hill's must be a popular family. I saw Phoebe dance by me on her way to the dessert table. I rolled my eyes before turning around to see Bryce Hill behind me.

Piper: Oh, hi.

Bryce took off his mask.

Bryce: Sorry, I just thought the mask was too informal when talking to you.

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