36. ...Actually

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Chris's POV

Wyatt: I feel ridiculous.

Chris: We look ridiculous.

Wyatt and I stood in front of a mirror in the hospital bathroom after changing into our elf costumes. The costume included a green elf hat, vest, and capris pants. We also had green elf shoes with bells on the toes that made noise every time we walked. We had painted rosy cheeks to finish off the look.

Wyatt: We're doing this for Mom though.

Chris: And the kids.

Wyatt nodded.

Wyatt: Right, of course.

He grabbed the handle of the bathroom door and pulled in open. Jason and Sam were waiting outside, both already in elf costumes. They laughed as soon as we opened the door.

Sam: This is the best thing ever! Wait, wait ...

He held up his phone, turned around to get himself, Jason, Wyatt, and me in the shot. Jason did a peace sign as Sam did a thumbs up. Wyatt and I just stood in he background, staring at them unamused. Sam laughed before showing the picture to Jason.

Jason: That should so go on Instagram.

Chris: Do it and I'll physically hurt both of you.

Jason: Ooo, right. I've seen what you can do.

I stared at Jason who quickly shut his mouth. Sam didn't seem to notice as he kept looking down at his phone. Wyatt sighed and gestured for us to follow him over to the children's area. I grabbed Jason's arm and pulled him away. Sam raised an eyebrow before trailing behind us. I whispered to Jason.

Chris: Okay, I know magic is new to you, but don't let it slip.

Jason: Sorry, I'll try.

Chris: Try harder.

Jason rolled his eyes and nodded. Sam caught up and stood between us, wrapping an arm around each of our shoulders.

Sam: Since when are you two so chummy?

Chris: Since Christmas break started.

Jason: Yeah, we've been hanging out.

Sam: I know, that's why I find it weird.

Chris: We've found some common ground.

Jason nodded and Sam shrugged.

Sam: Well, that's good. I want my two best friends to be best friends.

Jason smiled at me as I nodded. Wyatt, who was already far ahead, headed back toward us.

Wyatt: Guys, let's go! Santa's already out there and his elves aren't.

Sam laughed as Wyatt stared at him, quite annoyed.

Wyatt: Ha ha, funny sentence. Let's go.

He turned to head back into the other room. Wyatt is definitely not in the mood for this. I can't say I blame him, but we are helping children so we will put on a cheery attitude.

Wyatt: Yes, yes. I know.

Wyatt sighed before heading out into the Christmas area. I raised an eyebrow as Jason and Sam looked at me.

Sam: What does he know?

I shrugged while also wondering myself.

Chris: Who knows? It's Wyatt.


❆ —————————— ❆

A couple of a hours later, we split up and separately walked around the Christmas Room area, talking to children who needed a friend. Wyatt and Sam found a group of children to play cards with at one end of the room while Jason found a few children who wanted a story read to them. I'm currently standing by myself, looking around the room. I spotted a little boy standing in the corner of the room, watching the other children play. He couldn't have been older than 10. I walked over to him and smiled.

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