14. Gray Skies Turned Blue

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Piper's POV

Piper: Chris, honey? Do you want something to eat?

I stood outside of Chris's bedroom door, hoping he'll open it at some point. It's been two days since the traumatic experience in the underworld. Chris has only come out of his room for dinner as far as I could tell. It's 8:00 in the morning and I'm trying to get him back into the swing of things. I'm hoping breakfast is the first step to bringing Chris back to himself.

Piper: Chris! You have to eat more than just a sandwich at dinner. Please eat some breakfast. I can make pancakes.

I heard mumbling through the door, although it was unintelligible.

Wyatt: Still won't leave his room?

I heard Wyatt from behind me. I sighed as I turned to face him.

Piper: No. Maybe you can get him to come out and eat something.

I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

Piper: Please.

He nodded at me and walked up to the door.

Wyatt: Chris, come on now, buddy. I know you had a bad experience down there but-

The door swung open and Chris stood on the other side, looking as if he hadn't slept in days.

Chris: Bad experience? Getting sick on a rollercoaster and puking in front of everyone is a bad experience. Getting made fun of at school because you brought your sister's lunch box is a bad experience.

His voice was rising with every sentence.

Chris: Having your body almost preserved by demons and killed because you're an IDIOT is NOT a bad experience. That is a HORRIBLE experience, okay! One that even the word 'horrible' is too small for, so if you DON'T mind, I'd like to have some time to myself!

He slammed the door again. Wyatt and I stood there looking at the door stunned.

Wyatt: I have a feeling he was more scared then we thought he was.

I nodded.

Piper: I'm going to make some pancakes and try to get him to eat something. Hopefully he'll come around. I need Chris back.

Wyatt: We all need Chris back.

Wyatt followed me on my way to the kitchen. He spoke as soon as we entered the kitchen.

Wyatt: Do you think this is more than being scared in the underworld?

Piper: What do you mean?

Wyatt: I don't know, it's just ...

Wyatt trailed off and shook his head.

Wyatt: Nah, I don't think Chris would be- would he?

Piper: I'm going to need more to go on here, Wyatt.

Wyatt took a seat at one of the island stools as he continued talking, lacing his fingers together on the island in front of him.

Wyatt: Do you think it's possible that Chris blames himself?

Piper: Why would he do that? It isn't his fault?

Wyatt: Well, he did disobey you, and me for that matter. What did you say to him when he found you that night?

I thought back to that night.

Piper: I told him to go home, and that I- ... I had told him to stay put. Oh no.

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