17. The Power Within

75 5 0

August 13, 2019

Piper's POV

Wyatt: You do know that both of you don't have to drop me off, right?

Wyatt unbuckled his seatbelt and looked between Leo and me from his spot in the backseat.

Leo: My first born is getting his driver's license today, I have to be there to see him off.

I smiled as Wyatt raised an eyebrow.

Wyatt: I'm not going off to war-

Leo was about to speak before Wyatt cut him off.

Wyatt: Yes, I know you went to war, Dad. Calm down, alright. I will pass and then Chris and I will take a drive.

Leo: Is that a smart thing to do? He would have just gotten his license.

I shrugged.

Piper: I think he can handle it. He fights demons, honey.

Leo smiled then turned to Wyatt.

Leo: Let's go.

Wyatt nodded before we exited the car.

Phoebe's POV

I was pacing my office nervously. Shelby hasn't shown up for work yet. I heard my office door open.

Elise: Phoebe, do you have this week's column done?

Elise gave me a weird look.

Elise: Are you okay?

I smiled and nodded.

Phoebe: Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?

I went to sit on my office chair, but missed and tripped on the chair's wheel. Elise raised an eyebrow.

Elise: Are you sure?

I finally sat down on my chair and nodded.

Elise: Okay, well, whenever you're ready, email me the column.

Elise turned to leave but then looked back at me.

Elise: And when I say "whenever you're ready," I mean now.

I nodded again as she left my office. I looked through the window in my office and saw Shelby walking into the office area. I got up and headed toward her. Shelby caught my eye and turned around, trying to leave the office.

Phoebe: Hey, Shelby! Can we talk?

She stopped and I caught up to her.

Shelby: There's nothing to talk about.

Phoebe: I think there is. Uh ...

I looked around the office area before gesturing for her to follow me. She followed me into my office. I closed the door.

Phoebe: Take a seat.

Shelby nodded and sat down. I sat on my chair.

Phoebe: Okay, what happened last night?

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