47. Ghost Fright

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Chris's POV

My jaw dropped as I stared at Anna; Sam eyed me curiously. I cleared my throat and blinked a couple of times, trying to wrap my head around what Anna just said. I lowered my voice a bit.

Chris: I'm sorry, she killed you?

It was Sam's turn to drop his jaw in surprise. Anna nodded quickly before looking around nervously.

Anna: I have to go!

Chris: Wait-

She vanished into thin air. I stared at the spot she was just in for a couple of seconds before shaking my head and looking at Sam.

Chris: She's gone.

Sam closed his mouth and nodded slowly.

Sam: So, uh, the ghost that's in your house ...

Sam trailed off and looked at me worriedly. I nodded slightly.

Chris: Was her killer.

I felt a hand slap on my back, causing me to jump. Sam snapped his head to the person as I turned to see Jason behind me.

Jason: Woah, calm down.

I smiled nervously before looking at Sam. Sam caught my eye before turning back to Jason; I did as well. Jason looked between the two of us before speaking slowly.

Jason: Is ... something ... wrong?

Sam nodded as I shook my head. Jason looked at us curiously and raised an eyebrow.

Jason: Well, okay then. Uh, I don't know why you two are over here, but I was told to get you two; the group has moved on.

I turned to see the group of students, Mr. Baker, and Whitney no where in sight. I looked at Jason in surprise.

Chris: Oh, I didn't notice.

Jason scoffed.

Jason: Yeah, I know.

Jason turned to the leave the room with Sam and I slowly following.

Jason: What were you two doing anyway?

Chris: Let's just say, I have a killer ghost in my house.

Jason's eyes widened and his eyebrows shot up.

Jason: A what!?

Chris: Shush, okay. I was getting information from the ghost I saw earlier. It turns out, the ghost in my house killed her.

Jason: When?

I slapped my hand to my head.

Chris: I forgot to ask that part.

Sam: Does it matter!? What you have to do now is get rid of it before it kills again-

Sam stopped for a second to think before continuing.

Sam: It can kill again, can't it?

I nodded.

Chris: Unfortunately, yes. Ghosts still have that ability, especially if they're angry enough.

We continued walking down the hall.

Jason: What did you get yourself into, Chris?

I scoffed.

Chris: Me? It was Sam who wanted to do the stupid Ouija Board in the first place.

Sam scoffed as well.

Sam: In my defense, I didn't know it was real and that ghosts could actually be summoned. Why didn't you stop me?

I narrowed my eyes at him.

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