29. The Road Not Taken

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Piper's POV

I dropped Phoebe off at her house before heading home. I drove into the driveway at the same time a police car pulled up along the street. I got out of the car to see Henry pulling Wyatt out of the backseat.

Piper: Wyatt!?

Wyatt: Oh, hi, Mom.

Henry walked him up to the front door. I followed them up the steps.

Piper: What's going on?

Henry: Wyatt was at a party where alcohol was present. He's a little tipsy.

My eyes widened before I narrowed them to stare at Wyatt.

Piper: You're what!?

Wyatt: The raspberry drink was good.

I pushed him a little and he swayed.

Piper: Oh, you are so in trouble young man.

My tone was threatening as I grabbed his arm and pulled him into the house.

Piper: Thanks, Henry.

Henry nodded before heading back down the steps. I closed the front door then pulled Wyatt into the living room and sat him on the couch.

Piper: What were you thinking!? Actually, you weren't thinking, that's why you're in this mess!

Wyatt: Mom, can you not shout? This is all very confusing.

Wyatt put his hands on his forehead. I sighed. Control, Piper.

Piper: Okay, go to your room. We'll talk about this when Dad gets home.

Wyatt nodded before stumbling up from the couch. I watched as he climbed the stairs carefully but unsuccessfully.

Piper: Seriously.

I walked over to Wyatt and grabbed his arm before helping him up the stairs.

Chris's POV

Sam: I should get home. It's almost 10 o'clock.

I nodded as Sam and Jason got up off the floor.

Jason: Me too. My dad just texted me saying Jaxon's home now, and I suppose it is getting late.

I got up from my bed.

Chris: Alright. Hey, don't get eaten by ghosts on your way downstairs.

Sam rolled his eyes as him and Jason left my room. I followed them out in the hall but stopped as soon as I saw Mom pulling Wyatt past us into our shared bedroom. Sam and Jason eyed them carefully before heading toward the stairs.

Sam: Bye, Chris.

I waved at Sam and Jason, who were about to head down the stairs, before walking into the room again.

Chris: What's going on?

Mom was sitting Wyatt down on his bed as he was swaying back and forth. Mom sighed.

Piper: Your brother decided to go to a party where they were drinking and now he's drunk.

My eyes widened.

Wyatt: 'm not drunk, just ... un-alert.

He lied down on his bed. Mom rolled her eyes.

Chris: I didn't know he snuck out. I thought he was here all night.

Piper: Well apparently he did sneak out. Now, he's grounded for a month, you got that?

Wyatt nodded as he closed his eyes.

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