50. "Poof"

26 2 0

October 30, 2020

Chris's POV

Sam: You're going to the dance tomorrow, right?

Sam asked as he set his food tray down at our usual cafeteria table and took a seat. Jason set his tray down as well, taking a seat across from me. I looked up from my tray to shake my head at Sam.

Chris: I don't think it's a good idea.

Sam frowned and immediately began to protest.

Sam: But why? Come on, Chris. It'll be fun.

Chris: Fun?

I looked around quickly before lowering my voice, leaning in slightly toward Sam.

Chris: Sam, last Halloween we summoned a ghost. If said ghost decides to make an appearance this year, I don't need it being at a school event in front of the entire student body.

Jason: Two student bodies.

I glanced at Jason, who shrugged.

Jason: The middle school is also invited, you know?

I sighed and shook my head.

Chris: Even worse.

Sam: It won't matter, we'll have six witches there. Sadly, I am not one of them.

I let out a brief chuckle before sitting up straight again, returning my voice to normal volume.

Chris: If Wyatt goes, I'll go.

Sam nodded before quickly searching around the cafeteria. He spotted Wyatt near the front of the line and raised his hand to get Wyatt's attention.

Sam: Wyatt!

Wyatt snapped his head in our direction, raising a curious eyebrow at Sam and waving slightly. He turned back to face his friends.

Chris: Wait until he gets here, you weirdo.

Sam put his hand down and faced me once again.

Chris: Why are you so excited about the dance anyway? You didn't go last year.

Sam smiled and picked up his fork, poking at the chicken alfredo on his tray.

Sam: That's because last year I got a much better offer.

I raised an eyebrow at him as Jason smirked.

Sam: I got to summon a ghost at your house.

I shook my head as Jason laughed.

Jason: Oh, good. That's not where I thought that story was going.

Sam tilted his head curiously as Jason waved him off. Sam opened his mouth to question it but was stopped by the sound of Wyatt's tray hitting the table.

Wyatt: Why did you shout my name just to wave at me from across the cafeteria?

Sam smiled and gestured to me.

Sam: He said he'd go to the dance if you went. So... are you going?

Wyatt took a seat and sighed.

Wyatt: Guys, that ghost-

Sam: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Chris already briefed us on that. And, as I did kindly point out, there will be six witches at the dance. That is plenty to take down a ghost.

Sam smiled and nodded as Wyatt shook his head. Sam quickly followed Wyatt's movement, shaking his head as well.

Wyatt: No, it's not.

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