16. The Baggage of the Past

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Phoebe's POV

Phoebe: Coop, can you check the chicken? I'm getting the door.

I saw Coop hurry from the living room into the adjoining kitchen. I smiled as I wiped my hands on a kitchen towel, throwing it over my shoulder before I opened the door.

Phoebe: Shelby, come in.

Shelby smiled at me as I moved aside to let her in the house.

Phoebe: Can I get you anything to drink? Water ... uh, how old are you?

Shelby smiled before answering.

Shelby: 25, but water is fine, thank you.

I nodded.

Phoebe: Have a seat in the living room. I'll be right back.

I pointed to the living room as I walked through to the kitchen. I saw Coop taking the chicken out of the oven as I entered the room.

Coop: Was that Shelby?

Phoebe: Yep.

I got a glass out of the cupboard and began filling it up with water from the pitcher. I took the kitchen towel off my shoulder and put it down on the counter.

Phoebe: She seems a little nervous.

Coop: Well, it's not like you two are friends, and she's at Phoebe Halliwell's house. That has to be nerve wracking, right?

I smiled at him and shook my head as I placed the pitcher of water back on the counter and grabbed the glass.

Phoebe: You always flatter me, you know that?

Coop smirked and shrugged as I left the kitchen. Shelby was sitting on the couch with her back to me, bouncing her knee up and down.

Phoebe: You don't need to be nervous.

Shelby jumped and turned around to face me. I smiled and walked around the couch, placing the glass on the coffee table.

Phoebe: Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.

Shelby: Oh, it's okay. I was just deep in thought.

Shelby took the glass of water from the table.

Shelby: Thanks for the water.

I nodded as she took a sip.

Phoebe: So, any questions you want me to answer?

Shelby placed the glass on the coffee table and looked at me confused.

Shelby: Questions?

Phoebe: On becoming an advice columnist?

Realization seemed to hit Shelby as she raised her eyebrows.

Shelby: Oh! Right, advice columnist. Well, uh ... why don't you talk, and I'll take mental notes.

I gave her a weird look but decided to go with it.

Phoebe: Okay. Well first, you should know that it is important to understand the human mind. I got a Psychology degree before I got the job; that really helped with my advice.

Shelby nodded.

Shelby: Got it. I have an English degree.

Phoebe: Great choice as well, for the perfect writer. However, understanding people is a little more complex than you may think. I think researching psychology may help you out in that area.

She nodded again.

Phoebe: Next, start small. Practice writing advice. Search up advice blogs online and take note of the answers professionals give. Sometimes giving advice may come natural, but most of the time, it takes patience and willingness to learn how to do so.

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