4. A New Threat?

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Chris's POV

Wyatt and I walked through the huge front doors of Kiera's house. There was loud music playing and teenagers were dancing everywhere. There was a huge buffet of food in the kitchen, which I'll definitely have to take advantage of later. Sam walked up to me.

Sam: Chris! You made it!

He gave me a high five.

Chris: yep. Wouldn't miss it.

Sam: hey, Wyatt.

Wyatt: hi. So, how long does this party have until it's over?

Sam laughed.

Sam: dude, Keira's parties go all night.

Wyatt: she's fifteen. Isn't that a little young to be throwing overnight parties? Where are her parents?

Sam: New York. Something about their company's goals for the summer.

Wyatt: so she's throwing this party without her parents' permission.

Sam: yes and no. She throws parties all the time, her parents are used to it.

Chris: come on Wyatt. Lighten up.

I looked around the living room and kitchen area. There was a huge closed double door on the other side of the room.

Chris: what's in there?

I pointed to the closed doors.

Sam: I don't know. I don't think it's ever been open during a party.

I nodded.

Sam: well, I'll catch up with you guys later. They're having a backflip contest in the pool out back if you want to join later.

Chris: okay.

Sam turned and left. I turned to Wyatt.

Chris: Wyatt, I want to know what's behind those doors.

Wyatt: why? It's not that big of a deal. Besides, this isn't our house.

I left Wyatt and walked up to the doors. I tried to turn the knob but the door wouldn't open. Wyatt walked up to me.

Chris: darn. It's locked.

Wyatt: too bad, let's go.

Chris: I wonder why it's locked?

Wyatt: plot twist! Maybe they don't want kids like you snooping in their business.

Chris: I want to know what's in there.

Wyatt: Chris, it's locked. Let it be. Please.

I looked at Wyatt and winked. He gave me a worried expression. He knows me so well. I orbed into the room. I could hear Wyatt talking to me from the other side.

Wyatt: Chris get out of there.

Chris: sorry Wyatt. Curiosity got the better of me.

The room was dark. It was soon lit up by Wyatt orbing into the room.

Wyatt: where are you?

Chris: right in front of you.

Wyatt: where are the lights.

Chris: I don't know.

Wyatt made an orb sphere appear in his hand and the room lit up slightly.

Chris: what is this place?

The room was full of old books, chairs, and paintings. I doesn't look like anyone has been in here in years.

Wyatt: it's a library.

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