49. Road Blocks

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Paige's POV

I made my way back to the table, smiling widely at the girls as I sat down.

Paige: So, what'd I miss?

Jodie raised an eyebrow before looking at Becca. Becca smiled and shrugged.

Becca: Nothing, we just ordered so...

She trailed off as Jodie studied my facial expression.

Jodie: Paige? Are you okay?

The smile stayed on my face as I looked at Jodie and nodded.

Paige: Of course, so Becca...

I faced Becca with a curious smile.

Paige: Jodie didn't tell me you were on a diet. Why did you start the diet in the first place? Was homecoming the only reason?

Jodie's jaw dropped.

Jodie: Paige! You can't ask people things like that.

She faced Becca and put a hand on her knee.

Jodie: I'm sorry. You don't need to answer that.

Becca smiled and shook her head.

Becca: Oh no, it's alright. I'm always happy to discuss my achievements.

I tilted my head slightly, thinking over that somewhat self absorbed statement before facing Becca again.

Becca: My main reason for starting my diet was because my homecoming dress is a size four, and I loved it so much that I didn't want to risk gaining weight.

I nodded slowly.

Paige: Right. And would you say humans... are too much... uh, meat?

Becca raised an eyebrow at me before looking at Jodie.

Becca: What is this? Some kind of intervention?

Jodie shook her head quickly at Becca.

Jodie: No, of course not...

She turned her head to me and gave me a glare.

Jodie: Paige is just curious... and nosey. She'll stop now. Won't you, Paige?

Jodie's tone was threatening as I nodded.

Paige: Uh, yeah, of course. I didn't mean to offend you, Becca. I was just genuinely curious.

Jodie smiled and nodded, but her posture was stiff. Becca narrowed her eyes before nodding as well.

Paige: So, animals now?

Jodie sighed as Becca stood up abruptly from the table.

Becca: What are you doing?

Becca stared at me as Jodie glared in my direction once again.

Paige: What?

Becca: What do you mean "what?" You keep asking about my diet. What's it to you?

Jodie: Becca please sit down.

People around us looked on cautiously as murmured whispers filled the air. Becca slowly sat in her chair again.

Jodie: Paige, what's going on?

I sighed and lowered my voice.

Paige: It's just that... you said Becca was a warlock...

Jodie stared at me as Becca raised an eyebrow.

Jodie: So?

Paige: Warlocks don't eat humans, Jodie.

Becca chuckled. I looked at her, my face completely serious. Perfect time to be chuckling, Becca.

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