11. Halliwell Nightmare

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Piper's POV

We orbed to the underworld. Wyatt and Melinda stayed at the manor; we aren't taking any more chances.

Piper: Alright guys, split up. You have potions, Essence Bearers, and cell phones. Don't lose any of these items, they are your life line.

Phoebe looked at me with a raised brow.

Piper: What?

Phoebe: We aren't going off to war; we're searching the underworld, which we've done a million times.

Paige: Yeah, I'm surprised we haven't memorized the place by now.

Leo: Well, it's hard to memorize, you see-

Piper: NOT the time, alright. Let's find our boy.

The four of us started searching by going off in different directions.

Wyatt's POV

Melinda and I are sitting in the living room. She's flipping through TV channels while I try to pay attention.

Wyatt: I can't.

Melinda looked at me.

Melinda: Can't what?

Wyatt: Focus while Chris is missing.

Melinda nodded and shut off the TV. We heard a phone ding. Then again. And again.

Wyatt: Find that phone and shut it off. I can't worry with all this racket.

Melinda rolled her eyes.

Melinda: It's just a few text message alerts, calm down before you blow a hole in the wall, literally.

Melinda got off the couch and walked to the main area where the phone's noise seems to be coming from. She yelled from the other room.

Melinda: Wyatt! Come here for a second!

I sighed and went over to Melinda. She was holding what appeared to be Chris's phone.

Melinda: It's Sam.

Wyatt: So?

Melinda: Remember that crazy stuff he wanted to tell Chris?

Wyatt: Yeah?

Melinda showed me the phone screen. On the screen, typed out by Chris's friend, was our worst nightmare.

Sam - 6:27 p.m.
YOU THERE!!!!???

Please answer!!!

Dude! I think magic is real!!! Text me back ASAP!!!!!!

Wyatt: Dang it!

I shoved the phone at Melinda and started running up the stairs to attic. We have to erase this problem.

Chris's POV

I don't know how long I've been sitting in this dark room, tied to a chair. Orbing doesn't work; this room must be magic proof. It's getting boring in here, waiting for something to happen. The Alchemist hasn't returned since he first walked out.

Chris: Um, hey! I'm getting a little bored.

No answer.

Chris: Can I at least get up and walk around?

No answer.

Chris: If you don't come out here, I'll start yelling!

The Alchemist entered the room.

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