024; i want you

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Alexa's POV:

"Stop walking into me." Zach says to Gabbie as she accidentally walked into the boy. She glares at him while he glares back at her.

"Your the one in the way." Gabbie says back as she pushes him a little farther making him stumble.

"Jack your girlfriend is pushing me!"Zach complains to Jack.

"You probably deserved to get pushed." Jack shrugged, as we headed to the front of the small hotel.

"This is abuse." Zach says heading over to me for comfort.

"I'm not on your side Zachy. I'm with Gabbie and Jack." I laugh, comforting the boy, but he looks up at me and frowns.

"So no one is on my side? Okay, I see how this is." Zach rolled his eyes and walked in front of the group with Daniel slowly trailing behind him since he was using his telekinesis to carry him.

"Okay, someone is going to swipe a key card so we can get a room, then Daniel will get us in when he wakes up, using his invisibility." Sofia said looking over at the passed out boy.

"Oh he is up, I can hear his thoughts." Corbyn says swinging his hand the was held in Christina's hand.

"Daniel. Dani." Sofia says poking the boy as Zach lowers his body to the ground. Daniel slowly opens his eyes and looks around taking in the surroundings. He quickly looks this arm, where the bullet used to be.

"Hey, you're okay." Sofia says pulling him into a hug and helping him stand up after.

"Thanks for healing me Jonah." Daniel nods to the older boy.

"No problem."

"Daniel, can you try not to pass out so much, you are heavy to carry." Zach complained.

"Oh, I'm sorry that me getting shot was an inconvenience for you." Daniel rolled his eyes while taking a sip of water from a bottle he got from one of the bags.

"Anyway, Zach can you steal a keycard from the desk?" Tate said looking over at the boy. Zach nodded and headed to the front doors, carefully, so he wouldn't be seen.

A few moments later he came back with a keycard, "I don't know what room it goes too though." Zach frowns his eyes looking at the card.

"We will figure it out later, we just need to get inside." Christina said as we all looked over at Daniel. He looked around at us and sighed.

"I just woke up." he complained.

"Please, then you can go to sleep for as long as you want." Sofia put her hands together and begged.

"Well technically, we only have like five to six hours of sleep-" Jonah started.

"Shut up Jonah. Please Dani." Sofia said looking over at the boy with puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh fine. Who wants to go in first?" Daniel said standing up.

Zach and I went first as we took Daniels hands and headed into the hotel and into the elevator. I looked over at Zach and knew he was going to be scared. He hates elevators if you didn't know that.

I reached out for Zach's hand and squeezed it giving him courage. He squeezed it back showing me he appreciated it. We got out of the elevator and Daniel let go of our hands making us visible.

"You guys find the room, I'll be back soon." Daniel said getting back into the elevator and the doors close leaving Zach and I alone.

"I hate elevators." Zach sighed as I saw a little bit of sweat on his face.

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