064; if you die, walk it off

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Tate's POV:

"Guys we are almost there, I can see the place." Daniel announced to the car we were all packed in.

"No way! Really? You must be a psychic to be able to know that!" I sarcastically shouted at Daniel while throwing my hands to the clearly visible building all of us could see, "Oh wait, you are!"

Sofia glared at me, defense for Daniel, "Sorry, he was just trying to inform everyone."

"Yeah, yeah. I know." I rolled my eyes and leaned back in the seat I was squished in between Corbyn and Milo.

Alexa, who was driving the car, turned her head around for a quick second to scan the group of us, "I know we are all on edge but we need to work together as one."

"Gonna be hard when miss sassy pants won't stop yelling at everyone." Daniel sneered while eyeing me.

I gasped, "I am NOT sassy, I'm just stating the truth. Now we are almost there, as you so nicely gave us the information earlier, so everyone shut up."

No one talked after my speech but as it may look as I'm lashing out with anger, I'm just nervous. This is the closest I've been to Jonah in a long time and I can't wait for the moment I can run into his arms.

Although so much can go wrong with what we are planning, my nerves are getting the best of me right now.

"Corbyn any updates?" Christina asked from the back seat as he didn't respond. She frowned and tapped his shoulder, for him to slowly turn around the the glow of green in his eyes fading away.


"Any updates?" I repeated what she said.

"Jack just keeps reporting back to me then losing his train of thought. I can't talk to him though because of the anklet they put on him." Corbyn explained quickly before looking away and focusing back on Jack's thoughts.

I shrugged and let him do this thing. I glanced over at Gabbie who sat in the back seat, she was lost in thought and looked on the verge of tears.

"You good Gabs?" I asked, which is a dumb thing to do since her boyfriend is literally risking his life right now.

She snapped out of her thoughts and faces towards me, giving me a small nod. I returned a small smile before she looked away and back into her thoughts.

"Jack wants you to know he's okay Gabbie and that he loves you." Corbyn said quietly, looking back at the girl who perked up at his words.

"Thanks Corbs."

The car ride was silent the rest of the way except for my normal comments of someone pushing on my seat or me just being upset for no reason.

Once we arrived we parked a little ways out of the facility so we wouldn't get seen.

As approached the building only to realize that it was surrounded by a huge wall made of stone. I'm guessing we would have to find a way around the wall to get in.

I'll be honest, we are totally winging this whole thing. I mean this plan sucks a ton and we all know it, we are all just to scared to admit it. Once we do then it will be like we've failed already. That is something we can't do.

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