011; i healed him

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Jonahs POV:

I leave Tate to comfort Daniel. He seems scared to be alone so having Tate there will help him. Walking over to the room next door holding Zach and Jack I knock hearing someone answer with "come in."

"Hey, your Jonah right?" a girl with curly golden hair greeted me.

"Yeah. Who are each of you?" I ask realizing that I've never actually met the other people in this room. Only been told about them through Tate and Christina.

"I'm Alexa and this is my best friend Zach." a blonde hair girl points to her and a boy with brown hair and eyes laying in a bed.

"I'm Gabbie and that's Jack." the girl who greeted me says. I see her motion to the guy still unconscious to be Jack.

"I'm Jonah. Probably already knew that though." I say to them scratching the back of my neck. "Nice to see you awake Zach."

"Thanks. I wish Jack could wake up though." he mentions looking over at the other boy.

"That's actually why I'm here, I can help with that." I say moving over to Jack. Gabbie backs away with a concerned look on her face, wondering what I was going to do to her boyfriend.

I decide to start at his head since it's probably the reason he isn't waking up. I take a deep breath and put out my hands while everyone watches. I place my hands on his head and the warm glow returns to my fingers and eyes, spreading across his injury.

I pull away only to look up at confused faces.

"What did you do?" Zach asks me.

"I healed him. I'm pretty sure getting struck by lightning gave me the ability to heal people." I say hoping what I said made sense.

As I finish I see that Jack is starting to wake up and he moves his head.

"Jack!" Gabbie runs over to her boyfriend and holds his hand, waiting for him to open his eyes.

They open revealing brown eyes that immediately land on Gabbie, making him smile.

"Hey Gabs." he says. Gabbie quickly pulls him in for a kiss and stay in that position passionately.

"What happened?" he asked after the two pulled away.

"You were struck by lightning, but it's okay. Your okay. Everyone is okay." she calmed him down as he started to get worried.

"Zach! Where is he? What happened to him?" Jack started tearing up as he didn't see Zach in the bed next to him and only focusing on Gabbie.

"Jack I'm right here." Zach says to his friend. They make eye contact for the first time and both of there faces light up. Jack runs out of his bed and over to Jack, yanking the IV out of his arm.

The two hug, making Zach wince as Jack accidentally crush his gash.

"Oh sorry. I'm so glad your okay." Jack says.

"I'm glad your okay, but that is the last time I ever drive." Zach jokes making his friend laugh.

"Hey Zach I could heal you, if you want." I suggest to him. He nods and I walk over to do my thing.

I finished healing his concussion, broken arm, and gash quickly getting a weird look from Jack.

"Lightning gave him the ability to heal people." Alexa explains as if it was normal.

"Do your eyes always light up?" Zach asked me.

"I don't know. I just found out this power like 40 minutes ago. I mean Daniels eyes glowed too so who knows." I comment.

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