004; 911

545 11 3

Jack POV:

~night of the storm~

"ZACH! SLOW DOWN!" I yelled from the seat next to the boy next to me. Zach was going at least 80 miles per hour on the freeway, getting faster the second.

I can't believe I actually decided to help this loser out with his license. I think the world would be safer is Zachary Herron didn't have one.

"I'm not even going that fast!" Zach yells back at me. "80 isn't even going fast. Watch me hit 100!" he yells. I let out a slight groan knowing this won't turn out well.

"Okay that's it! Zach, pull the car over!" I yells. Pretty sure the boy was almost at 100 miles per hour so this had to stop. Especially with the storm out tonight, we could get injured.

Zach pulled over the car at a slower place leaving us on the side of the freeway.

"God. Now I know why your parents don't take you driving." I sighed. Zach looked over at me and rolled his eyes letting out a chuckle.

"I am not a bad driver. I have my test in a few weeks, so you won't have to worry about me needing you to be in the car." Zach says to me with confidence.

"Your 18 and just now getting your license. That's a sign that your a horrible driver." I mocked him. He returned a glare. "Come on get out. I'm driving us home."

I got out from the passengers side and Zach got out of the drivers seat. Rain started soaking my clothes and hair. I looked over at Zach who was whining about his hair.

"Oh boo hoo. The baby got his hair wet." I judged him. Zach raised my eyebrows at him as we passed each other in front of the car.

Before I could move into the drivers side I could hear thunder and lighting in the distance. There weren't much cars on the road because of the storm, which was another sigh we shouldn't be out here.

"We should probably get home before the storm gets worse." I suggest.

Zach nodded but didn't move has he heard the thunder above us. Before I had time to process what happened, I saw a flash of blue lighting come out of the sky and electrocute Zach on the side of his body. He let out a loud scream and fell to the ground.

"ZACH!" I yell. I ran over to his body and see him laying unconscious on the ground. Blood was emerging from his head, probably where he hit it falling down. I try shaking him awake but nothing was happening.

I could feel pressure building up in my eyes as I looked at my friend who looked dead in a way. I pulled out my phone and dialed 911, hoping they could get here in time. While on the phone I tried to stop the bleeding coming from Zach's wounds on his head and stomach, but I wasn't doing much.

"911, whats your emergency?" the voice on the other line said to me.

"Hi, um..... m-my friend just got s-struck by... lighting. He's bleeding badly." I say with my shaky voice.

"Okay, calm down. Where is your location?" the person on the phone asks me.

I told her what road we were on and she said the ambulance would be there as soon as 5 minutes. A lot can happen in 5 minutes. I looked through my phone to find another contact to call.

Alexa Haken.

Alexa was Zach's other best friend. She's known him since he was a kid and they decided to move out to LA together after they graduated high school a few months ago. I thought I should probably update her on the situation.

I pressed her contact and the phone buzzed, eventually having her pick up the other line.

"Jack? What's up? Did Zach crash the car!" she asks sounding scared.

"W-worse. He got struck-k by lighting. It sounds-s crazy but I thought I should call you." I say to her. Her end goes silent.

"I'll meet you at the hospital." She quickly says before hanging up.


The ambulance arrived quickly coming to the scene. They pulled Zach onto the stretcher they provided. I watched as my best friend looked like he was fighting for his life, which he was. I felt tears in my eyes watching.

I was going to ride to the hospital with Zach but before I could access the vehicle I heard thunder rumble above us. Shit.

A flash of blue lighting came down where I was standing and shocked me directly in my chest, leaving me to fall into darkness.

A/N ~

Yeah I didn't update yesterday sorry, but we almost done with all the boys POV!!!!

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