034; put your hands up

265 10 4

Daniel's POV:

"Jack!" Gabbie ran over to the boy screaming on the floor. If Jack's hearing is messed up that means the cops are nearby and going to corner us. This isn't good.

"Gabbie we need to move." I say nervously as I look at her kneeling on the ground next to Jack who is crying and whimpering in pain.

"Jack can't move and I'm not leaving Jack." Gabbie stated as she pulled the boy into a hug so he was sobbing into her chest.

"Then we are done for." I comment sitting down next to the couple and watching as Gabbie tries to get Jack to calm down, but nothing is working.

"This power is like a blessing and a curse." I say to my self knowing that his power is causing him more pain then he has ever known.

In the distance I can hear the cop cars making their way to us, and we can't do anything about it. Even though we tried to change things that happened in my vision, it's still ending in the same outcome.

The cop cars surrounded us, there were about three of them. Two cops in each car. They all got out and pulled their guns out to point at us just in case we fought them.

"Stand up with your hands in the air!" the main one in the front said.

Gabbie and I made eye contact and looked down at Jack who was still dealing with his hearing problem. There was no way he would be able to stand up.

"Turn off the device. We know your doing this him." I say as confidentially as I can because I have to be strong for Gabbie who was on the verge of crying.

The cop hesitated before motioning to another cop to turn the device off. The other cop pulls out a square device and switches a dial, turning it off.

Jack let out a sigh oh relief and moved his hands away from his ears. He opened his eyes and looked around at what was happening.

"Now stand up!" the main cop yelled again.

The three of us held eye contact as we each stood up. I think something was damaged in Jacks hearing because he didn't stand up until after Gabbie and I did.

Finally we were all standing and Jack and I had our hands in the air. Gabbie on the other hand was frozen in place, not putting her hands up.

"Miss, put you hands up!" the main cop yelled again aiming the gun at her. She didn't move, her arms stuck at her sides like she didn't hear the man.

"PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" he yelled again, but Gabbie didn't move.

"Gabs, put your hands up." I whispered to her but she didn't respond. She was in shock and frozen in place, not registering that they were holding a gun in her direction.

"If you don't put your hands up we will have to fire." a different cop said this time.

I looked over at Jack who looked confused, probably because he couldn't hear well.

"Gabbie, put you hands up now." I say trying anything to get Gabbie to put her hands up so things don't end up badly.

"What's happening?" Jack asked, trying to talk quietly but it came out as more of a normal talk.

"They could shoot at Gabbie if she doesn't put her hands up." I say getting worried Gabbie wasn't going to listen. Jacks eyes widen as he turned to his girlfriend and tried to get her to put her hands up.

"Gabbie please! Gabs!" Jack tried getting her to put her hands up but nothing was working.

"Shit Gabbie!" I yelled a little louder but it was useless.

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