My Hot CEO Chapter 49:

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IT'S WAS MY BIRTHDAY A FEW DAYS AGO! I expect a paragraph of gratitude and how much you lovely little humans adore me. Go on, tell me how great I am to make me feel special on this blessed day 😎 drinks are all on me tonight🍸

Justin face on the side :( ->


"Eleanor?" Justin repeats himself.

I turn around to meet his curious glare and then look at Pattie, who turns away from her son to look at me. By now I was griping the sink behind me like my life depended on it. To be able to pronounce words right now will be quite the struggle.

"What do you mean, Justin?" I ask, seeming oblivious.

"What were you two talking about?" Justin walks closer to us. "Mum, you said that she has to tell him soon. Tell who soon?"

"Mm, Zayn," we hear Jason moan as footsteps sound up the stairs.

Pattie gasps and puts a hand to her forehead as Justin and I look at each other and begin laughing loudly. "Their like rabbits for goodness sake. Your brother gives me chest pains Justin, I swear it."

Justin laughs and goes up to her to wrap his arms around her to hug her, "you still adjusting to the whole Jason being a homosexual?"

"He's not completely a homosexual, Justin," she sighs, "he just happens to be completely in love with Zayn. He doesn't look at other guys and finds them attractive, the only male he fancies is Zayn. He still looks at other girls just like any other guy does."

Justin chuckles and shakes his head, "Jason will always love girls."

"As much as I love Zayn, I still hurt when I think about how they're both going against their religions for their type of love, but then my heart aches thinking about turning my back on him for being in love. I can't forbid them, he's just so happy, Juju. I've never seen Jase so in love, so happy, so care free then when he started seeing Zayn. Zayn keeps him sane, you know? Jason feels as if Zayn's everything to him. The way he gushes to me about Zayn just warms my heart at what he feels for him, and who am I to take that away from him?"

Justin nods empathetically and kisses her forehead, "I know, mum, I know. You're a great mother, the best one there is to be precise. We all admire you for everything you do."

She sighs and hugs him back before letting go of him completely. "I have to go clean up the table outside. Are you two staying with us or in a hotel?"

"Tonight we booked a hotel where all our stuff currently is but-"

"Justin Drew Bieber, how dare you!" She says angrily. "You booked a hotel when you know damn well I have so much room for the both of you here in our home!"

"Mum," he whines, "I'm sorry! We just wanted to-"

"I'm getting Arthur our butler to pick up your stuff and bring them here first thing tomorrow morning. I won't have you staying in a hotel. Absolutely not."

Justin sighs knowing there was no winning with her and nods his head, "fine, you difficult woman."

She goes on her tippy toes and kisses his cheek, "that's my boy. Now come help me bring in the dirty dishes from today's lunch."

Justin nods and follows his mum outside while I stay in the kitchen to release a deep breath that I didn't know I was holding. Thank fuck he didn't have to find out like that. I'm going to tell him, I swear I will, I just need the right time. While we're here I'll make it my priority to tell him. I don't want anyone to be here incase he blows up in my face and starts yelling and loses his shit.

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now