My Hot CEO Chapter 54:

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"Maliah, he won't wake up," I groan.

"What have you tried to get him to get up?" She asks from the other side of the line. I had to call her. I missed her too much.

"Just about everything." I scowl, looking down at him as he lays on his back, snoring quietly.

"Have you tried physical contact?"

"Like slapping him?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"No," she huffs, "like sexual contact. You know, creeping down to his treasure, stroking his abdominals, playing with his hair."

"Nope," I answer.

"Well try, dick head." She huffs.

"No," I whine. "I don't want."

"Pussy," she mutters under her breath.

"Yes, I have a pussy."

She laughs, "fuck you."

"Yes, I do get fucked, do you?"

"Stop blocking out what I'm really saying and putting your own words in my mouth."

"I know what I can put in your mouth... deez nuts! Ha! Got 'em!" I laughed into my hand like a dying seal as I thrashed around at my immature joke. I just had to. It wasn't funny but I was avoiding the task at hand.

"You're a dick head." She laughs. "Just take my advice."

I chuckle, "fine."

"Try dirty talking in his ear, it always works with Michael."

"Hmm," I hum and look over to Justin. "What would I say?"

"Call him daddy or something."

"No, I already told him I wouldn't do that yesterday." I huff.

"Well fuck that and do it. Or call him papi," she mutters, "damn that's hot. Justin can be my daddy and give me some of that daddy dick any day of the week."

"Enough, you hoe!" I scowl. "I'll tell your man how much a of skank he's actually dealing with."

"He knows I have no filter," she laughs, "he'll tell you my dirty mouth is normal. I'll talk but won't act. I'm harmless."

"I'll call you later. Tell Mr. Ealy- no, Mr. Sexy Eyes- no, wait! Mr. Sex On Legs that I say hey, boo," I tease.

"Fuck you and go get some daddy dick." She hangs up.

I laugh and throw my phone on the bed before turning to stare at the sleeping counter part beside me as quiet snores escape his lips.

Fuck it.

I straddle his waist and stare down at him. I place my hands on his chest and lean down to whisper in his ear.

"Justin," I whisper, nibbling on his earlobe. "Wake up."

Well that didn't work. I can't believe I'm even considering Maliah's idea.

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now