My Hot CEO Chapter 27:

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Eleanor's outfit on the side minus the shoes and add a bandana->

I stood there rolling my eyes at my best friends as they rolled around on the couches, clearly amused.

“I- you- oh my, you little slut,” Blake laughed hysterically.

They all continued in their laughing fit making me feel worst then I already did.

“You guys,” I whine.

“Don’t get me wrong that’s defiantly sexy.” Maliah giggles. “That boys balls were going blue waiting for your innocent ass to give him somethin.”

“That I agree with.” Blake giggles. “But the fact that our innocent little Eleanor gave head yesterday is- I don’t even know.”

“Guys, I feel disgusting about it is it necessary to make me feel like more of a whore?” I frown.

“Yes because you are.” Maliah giggled. She calmed herself down knowing they were going a bit far. “Babe, you don’t have to feel disgusting about it. You’re dating him its normal.”

“And sexy,” Blake raises his hand, “I mean imagine how big he was, Malhs.”

“Oh my god B, don’t even go there.”

“Okay, can we not talk about how big my guy’s thingy is?” I say disgusted.

“Could you imagine him moaning though,” Maliah’s eyes roll to the back of her head. “That would be enough to get me pregnant.”

“Oh my-”

“Guys,” I yell over my horny peers. “Tone down the sex talk, yeah?”

“Alright,” Blake smirks. “You’ve given Bieber some, when Danny’s turn?"

“Omg I know right that boys balls will need to be cut off soon if you don’t give him attention.”

“Ew guys, what the fuck? I just gave Bieber sexual attention yesterday I’m not going to do the same with another guy, that’s disgusting and the most slutiest thing I’ve ever heard.”

“I think it’s because their horny El.” Logan sighs. “They haven’t got laid in a while that’s all.”

“I think I’ve been getting enough,” Blake smirks at Logan.

Logan looks down turning as red as a tomato.

“I haven’t got laid since my holiday.” Maliah sighs dramatically. “I aint ever going to see that blue eyed beauty, again.”

“You’ll move on bae.” Blake pats her head. “We’ll all go clubbing this weekend, okay? You, me, Logan, Eleanor and maybe even Danny or Juju could go to some club.”

“Oh yes, I need that.” She grins, nodding eagerly. “We haven’t been out in ages.”

After discussing it for a bit, I ask Blake what we’re doing today.

“We get to paint the office today.” Blake grins. “I told Victoria we would do it ourselves.”

“Oh my god, really?” I grin. “You know how much I love that stuff.”

“Yes my little artist I do.” Blake smirks. “You would do a better job than the painters anyway.”

“Alright then let me go change.” I smile.


I take off the jacket as soon as we get in the office. I didn’t want anybody to see me in this since everybody here is dressed formally.

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now