My Hot CEO Chapter 9 Part 2:

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Photo of Justin in his 3rd outfit change of the photoshoot-->

My throats dry, so I go to the set of the shoot, straight to the refreshment table. I grab a bottle of water and drink half of it without stopping.

"Whoa there tiger," Lisa laughs. "Someone's thirsty."

I nod and wipe my mouth. "Yeah, I'm just kinda worn out today."

"I feel ya," she sighs. "I didn't sleep last night." We make small conversation before I excuse myself to go take my seat near the photographer. I sit beside him and he shoots me a smile.

"Well, well, if isn't the beautiful girl who hired me," he smiles.

"Well you are a friend of Blake's so I figured it would be the least I could do," I smile as I peck his cheek.

"Yeah, but this is like my big break," he grins. "This sex god we're shooting today doesn't do much photo shoots so this is going to be an important article."

"I know," I sigh running a hand through my hair.

"I only wish it was a nude shoot," he smirks. I gasp and hit his shoulder. "Hey, hey, I know you and every other chick on this set wish the same. I mean have you seen him?"

"Unfortunately too much of him," I mumble.

Justin walks on to the set with Ashley trailing behind him trying to talk to him. He walks to the middle and has a bored look on his face as he turns to Ashley. He nods and tells her to get off the set.

I force myself to look away from him as he turns his head in my direction. I'm not going on a date with him tonight. He frecking yelled at me and embarrassed me because I tried to help him.

"Gosh he's beautiful," Logan the photgrapher gushes.

"Do your job and stop fantasying about a straight man," I nudge him.

He throws his head back laughs before turning to face me. He puts his hands on both sides of the chair handles and gets really close to my face so only I can hear. "I bet that by the end of the shoot I can get him topless," he smirks.

"Really?" I smirk. "And how are you going to that?"

"I'll tell him its part of the feature for the article," he smirks.

I laugh and nod my head. "Alright kiddo, you do that."

He giggles and kisses my noes before going towards an angry Justin. His got a stone hard gaze set on me and I shift in my seat uncomfortably.

Logan waves his hand in Justin's face to get his attention and Justin slowly turns his cold gaze away from me. Logan introduces himself as the photographer and puts his hand out for Justin to shake.

Justin looks at it for a moment then walks away to stand in his place. Logan turns around and gives me a confused glance. I sigh and get up to walk towards them.

"He's like that to everybody. Don't take it personally, okay?" I crease his cheek.

He nods and shoots me a smile before turning to meet Justin's frosty gaze on him. Why does he have to be so god damn intimidating, like would it kill him to smile? I cross my arms across my chest and glare at Justin as I stand beside Logan.

Justin eyes rake my body before meeting my eyes then he turns to pose for the camera. In every shot his got the same emotionless expression. He just changes his posture here and there. He finishes up the first set and has to go to his second outfit change. He gestures me to follow him.

Fuck off. I shake my head and walk the other way to my seat besides Logan. Justin scowls at me and storms away to change. Drama queen.

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now