My Hot CEO Chapter 59:

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JB's album "Purpose" means everything to me atm. Getting me through heaps, definitely Justin's best album. Oh & can't forget about my babies One Direction's new album. What's your favourite song for both albums? Mine is The Feeling for Justin's and If I Could Fly for 1D's album.


Eleanor's POV:

"Last month's issue was good, everybody," says Daniel as he walks around the boardroom as we all sit around watching him, giving him our undivided attention. "For the past couple of months our publicity rates have gone up along with our sales and online popularity. This company is the most popular now more than ever. Be proud of yourselves for that because without you all, this company wouldn't be what it is today. I applaud you all."

Everyone begins clapping and maybe if I wasn't still sick with food poisoning from yesterday, I would be happy and clapping along.

I grimace and try clap, but fail as I feel weak. I had to stack on the makeup to rid myself of my pale face and very noticeable designer bags under my eyes.

"Now you know why we're all here so let's jump right into it. What should we be covering next? Think big people, think popular." He makes gestures with his hands as he talks, seeming enthusiastic to start something fresh and new for his company.

I put a finger up since it's too much effort to raise my hand and luckily Daniel notices it and nods for me to go on with my idea. "Yes, Eleanor?"

"Well lately the Kardashian/Jenner family are very active in the tabloids so I was thinking why not be one of the first magazine companies to cover Khloe and Lamar reuniting. How it all happened, what's happening next for them and how her family's taking it." I lick my dry lips and sigh tiredly. That was too much talking for my liking to be honest.

"Genius," he snaps his fingers, "I love it and I want it done as soon as possible. Who's your source?"

"Well the whole family was at my birthday besides Khloe because she snuck out of the city to go and see him whilst her family was kept busy." I clear my throat, ignoring my headache. "Her family talked to my partner and the word got around at the party but nobody said anything because they were all under a confidentiality contract."

"Brilliant!" He grins and walks over to put his hands on my shoulders to give them a light applauding squeeze. "Absolutely spot on! I'm very much excited for this and I think this will be your big break, Eleanor. It'll be all of our big breaks. Will you be able to cover it and have it done as soon as possible?"

"I'll try my best." I smile a small toothless smile because I feel like if I open my mouth I will barf all over his customarily designed suit.

"Excellent." He nods down at me and walks around the room again. "Come on everybody, switch your brains on! Think of new out of the ordinary things for this months issue."

"What about making this months issue a Kardashian/Jenner based issue?" Blake shrugs. "They're what everyone's dying to get the inside scoop about. They're what everyone's paying to get new information, fashion tips and ways to become like them."

"Elaborate." Daniel squints his eyes seeming very intrigued about Blake's idea.

"We can do fashion tips and healthy body tips on each sister," he smiles as the ideas cloud his eyes, "we can get interviews or quotes from each of them and even set up separate photo shoots or combined photo shoots."

"The cover can be of all of them and the main heading will be 'Inside peak into the lives of the Kardashian/Jenner girls'. And then we'll have a little column on the side saying something like, 'the sisters let us in on their fashion secrets and weight loss tips'." I grin. "Something that'll intrigue our readers to find out what's inside. And we'll mention in bold letters our interview with Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom."    

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now