My Hot CEO Chapter 34:

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The perfect Logan on the side❤ ->

Blake’s POV: Yes his very first POV.

“We don’t have to tell them if you’re not comfortable, baby.” I frown as I cup his cheeks to look at me.

“It’s not that I don’t wanna tell them, I’m just- I don’t know, afraid of what they’ll say.” He frowns.

I stroke his cheeks and put my forehead on his. “No rush, baby. Whenever you’re ready we’ll tell them together.”

He smiles up at me with his mesmerising brown orbs and wraps his arms around my torso. “Thank you.”

“Anything for you,” I coo, leaning down to peck his lips.

“You know what? Thinking about it now you’re making me feel better about telling them.” He smiles. “They’re our best friends they’ll understand, right?”

“Of course they will, baby boy.” I smile. “And if they don’t they can fuck right off cause you’ll always be mine.”

“How’d I get so lucky?” He giggles and smiles adoringly at me.

“I know right you should praise me you lucky bastard,” I sass jokingly at him.

He giggles and my heart flutters at the most beautiful sound.

“Elle Bears’ going to wake up soon,” he says, pulling away from me.

I pout and pull him back into me. “No goodbye kisses?”

He shakes his head letting a cute chuckle escape his gorgeous plump lips. He stands on his tippy toes and wraps his arms around my neck. I gripped his waist and connected my lips to my current addiction.

I never thought I would settle down with a guy, ever. I’ve always whored around probably just as much as Justin does.

But this adorable little dork captured my heart.

“Go,” I breathed against his lips, trying to calm my heart rate. “I’ll see you later, baby boy.”

“Bye Blakey.” He pouts before closing the door behind him.

I pouted at where he stood a couple of seconds ago, missing him already. Fuck I’m going soft.

The door opened and before I could react, he kissed my lips and ran out again. I laughed at him and shook my head.

“What’s so funny?” Eleanor asks as she appears in the living room all of the sudden. Little bitch almost gave me a frecking heart attack.

“Your bed hair,” I smirk, covering up like I always do.

She huffs and pats down the mess she calls her hair. “It’s not that bad.”

“Yes it is honey, and boy am I tempted to send it to your boy toys to show them how ugly you truly are.”

She mimics my voice as she walks over to me and I giggle hugging the short Latina.

“Morning to you too, Eleanor.” I kiss her forehead.

“Morning,” she yawn, pouring herself a cup of coffee.

“What are we making for dinner tonight?” I ask before jumping up to sit on the bench.

“I don’t know.” She sighs. “I was thinking spaghetti with something to eat on the side.”

“Yum,” I moan at the thought of her spaghetti. “You’re the reason my abs are becoming flabs.”

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now