My Hot CEO Chapter 53:

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Esther Bieber -
Justin Bieber = My dad. ~Via Shots bio. ^

"Justin," I groan in my sleepy state.

"Eleanor," he whines. Did I mention how much I love his pet names and his playful side? Maybe because I don't see or hear them often. He's always too serious all the time.

But anyway, I keep my eyes closed and try resume back to my sleep. I woke up so tired this morning, which was expected after yesterday.

"No," I whine, snuggling into the Egyptian sheets further, basking in their softness. Gosh rich people have such comfortable beds. The ones here and the ones in Justin's penthouse.

"Elly baby," he wraps his arms around me, putting his head into my neck. Half asleep and he still has my heart racing, "please get up. We're in Canada! There's so much I wanna show you and do with you!"

"Mm, later," I mumble, not daring to open my eyes to the cuteness that is Justin Bieber. He's being so sweet on waking me up...

"Get your fat ass up before I get our dog Esther to piss in your mouth and shit in your Louboutins!"

I spoke too soon...

I roll over and push him on his back so I can lay my body on top of his and resume my sleep.

He laughs and wraps his arm around me, resting his hand above my bum. His other hand pulls my chin up whilst my eyes are still closed.

"El," he whispers breathily into my ear, latching his teeth to my ear softly.

I groan and turn away from him so my ear's against his chest.

"Come on, we're in Canada for fucks sake. Be more energetic, you buzz kill." He groans.

"Sh," I mumble, trying to get back to sleep.

"El, baby, don't make me forcedly make you become wide awake," he warns.

I ignore his voice, still keeping my eyes closed, on the brink of sleep. I didn't sleep much last night. I had too much on my mind and sleep just didn't come as quickly as I'd hoped.

"I warned you, you little shit."

As I'm about to fall into a deep slumber, I feel his hands on me and inwardly groan. He's so annoying this morning. It's too bloody early for this shit. I'm not a morning person.

All I'm sleeping in is his t-shirt. He preferred I stay nude under it and I was too tired to tell him he's a pervert and that he can fuck right off, so I went along with it and went straight to sleep.

Before I know it my legs are spread, he nibbles on my neck and his finger slides up my warm core.

I groan and try push him away, not in the mood for any of this but my attempt fails.

I knew my sleep had no chance of returning as soon as he started circling my clit with his index finger and middle finger.

I bite my lip to not give him the satisfaction of knowing he's got me up and alert and keep my eyes closed.

"This sure will wake you up." And with that my eyes shoot open and my jaw drops because he shoved a ruff finger into my core.

"Fuck you," I whine and put my hand behind me to grip his hair tightly in between my fingers and grin on his hand reluctantly. "God, I hate you sometimes."

"No you don't," he whispers huskily and then uses his thumb to press against my clit as his other finger moved in and out of my wet core in the most pleasurable pace. What a fucking way to wake up, huh?

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now