My Hot CEO Chapter 11:

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Eleanor's outfiit on the side -->

I wake up early with the sudden urge to pee.

I open my eyes and look ahead of me to see a large window overlooking the city of New York. I smile at the beautiful sight and let a little yawn escape my mouth.

I place my hand on my stomach and feel something wrapped around me. Someone's arm. I smile thinking it's my roommate.

I slowly turn my head away from the lovely view. My face is soon met by one of the most beautiful sights in the world. Justin's face.

I smile at him and turn back around. I do a double take and look at his sleeping face, in shock.

What the fuck is he doing in my bed?

I look down at the bed sheets and furrow my eyebrows.

I didn't change my sheets?

I look around the room and realization suddenly hits me. I'm in Justin's bed.

Didn't he take me home? What the fuck am I doing here?

I try getting free of his grasp but his holding on pretty tight. My hand brushes against his stomach and my eyes widen as butterflies attack my stomach. I move the bed covers slightly to see him topless with a pair of sweatpants snuggling his legs.

His lips are slightly parted as he breathes in and out. His face is free of its usual hard exterior and is now shaped in a soft frown. He looks like an innocent soul. His hair isn't in its usual quiff and is now covering his forehead.

I instinctively reach forward to move it out of his eyes. I run my fingers through his soft fringe and push it back. He stirs in his sleep and my body stiffens. His grip on me loosens and I quickly get out of his bed careful not to wake him up.

I walk to where he neatly placed my shoes, handbag and blazer. I look down to see I'm in his sweatshirt and bite my lip. I bring it up to my nose and inhale his scent. My body relaxes and I have to restrain myself from smelling the irresistble scent again.

I'm keeping it. His rich and probably has millions.

I pick my heels up and decide to put them on when I reach his front door. I grab my blazer and my handbag.

I turn around before I leave to look at the beautiful man sleeping in his California king bed. Even when he was sleeping his still looked flawless. I quickly ran to his side and placed a soft kiss on his cheek.

Now that the interview and the photo shoot is over and done with, this would be my last time seeing him. I'm not going to lie, it's been amazing getting to know him and you know what they say.

Nothing good lasts forever.

I restrain myself from jumping back in his warm embrace and tip toe to his bedroom door. I walk down his long hall way of rooms and walk down the spiral stairs case. I look around his living room in awe at the beautiful modern theme. I walk through it and see his that the next room is his kitchen, a kitchen that I would kill to cook in. Okay I really need to leave.

I put my heels on and walk out of the kitchen to the front door of his pent house. I close it behind me and suddenly feel like shit. I realise that I don't wanna leave him but the relevant part of my conscious gives me the power to walk away, and dial for Blake to come pick me up and bring fresh clothes with him.

I take the elevator down and make my way out of the building that I could never afford to live in. Standing outside, I pray for Blake to hurry to break me away from my thoughts of Justin. Almost as if he read my mind, he honked his horn.

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now