My Hot CEO; Epilouge:

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Ultrasound of El's baby. You didn't think I was that cruel to kill the little munchkin now did you? -.-

Third person:

Justin enters the familiar home with a heavy heart. The butler takes his bags upstairs as Justin's eyes roam the modern home he adores and aches to be in as much as he possibly can.

"Justin, is that you?"Asks the voice of the woman who gave birth to him.

"Yeah, mum," his voice cracks as his eyes brim with unshed tears. "It's me."

She begins tearing up at the sight of her distraught child and runs up to him. She hugs him to her chest tightly as she preps kisses all over his forehead and his hair, getting rid of her worry and heartache after the phone call she revived from him that broke her head. She really likes Eleanor. They're can't possibly be another woman like Eleanor for her son.

"Bro," Justin hears someone from beside him.

Justin pulls his head away from his mother and looks at his brother who's standing there with sorrowful eyes.

"Jase," Justin whispers.

Justin takes long strides until he's in his brother's embrace. His brother hugs him tightly and holds his head securely as if Justin was a delicate antique that could break if not handled carefully.

"What happened, bro?" Jason whispers.

And that's when all of Justin's sanity was thrown out of the window along with his happiness.

"I fucked up so bad, bro," he cries into his brother's shoulder, surprising that hell out of Jason since he hasn't seen Justin cry since Amelia's death.

His mother gasps at her son's strong walls breaking down right in front of her. She felt like this was Justin losing Amelia all over again but somehow she knew this would be harder for Justin to cope with. Call it a mother's instinct, or observation if you will.

"We're here for you bro," Jason whispers, stroking his brother's similar hair, "we got you."

"I don't have anybody," he whispers brokenly. "I don't deserve anybody either."

His mother hugs him from behind and the moment of the mother hugging her twins to her short frame couldn't be anymore beautiful. She felt like they were her little boys again.

Soon Jaxon and Jazzy join in as they feel left out and want in on comforting they're older brother Justin.

Family was all he had. He'd lost everything else when yet another girl took his heart with her. He had a feeling he wasn't going to get it back this time. And it was all his fault just like the death of his first true love. His heart can never catch a break as it seems. Luckily he doesn't have a heart anymore, right? Eleanor has it.


Daniel sits beside Eleanor's bed as he has been since they arrived at this hospital. He wasn't allowed to at first because they had to see what was wrong with Eleanor.

Maria is on the other side stroking Eleanor's hair as she watches her silently while Nick sits on a chair behind her. The room was dead silent. None of the four dared to utter a word.

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now